We're only using 6% t5's but the output does vary from bulb to bulb using the solar meter, and almost trebles that of t8's. pardalis seem to be fine on them but personally prefer t8's in combination with metal halide. Bradypodion look good under t5 (transvaalense,thamnobates and damaranum).We also keep T.johnstoni,T.laterispinis,T.fuellibourni,C.parsonii,F.laterallis and F.minor.I'm glad to see this coming from a breeder such as yourself... I have not noticed any bleaching out or eye issues yet.. But this forum will be the first to hear if I do. What % bulbs are you using? And with what species?
I think the t5 is an excellent bulb, but I do feel they need to be raised above mesh considerably as with metal halide bulbs.