Arcadia T5HO 12% uvb output -solarmeter-

I went to the Light Your Reptile site and they have 6% Arcadia bulbs D3 T-5 34 Inch 39 Watt *6% Forest UVB*. It doesn't tell you too much about them, but since they are for forest animals would this be better for our chameleons? After all, we have forest animals and not desert animals. My guys get free ranged in house trees a lot and it would be nice to be able to string up some UVB lights for when they are in their trees and if these were 1/2 of the 12% they would probably be perfect to mount on the ceiling above the trees which would be about 36" from the top of the trees. I suppose I could buy one and use my meter to measure the UV, but I hate to waste the money if there was a way to know. Guess I'd better look some more.
I went to the Light Your Reptile site and they have 6% Arcadia bulbs D3 T-5 34 Inch 39 Watt *6% Forest UVB*. It doesn't tell you too much about them, but since they are for forest animals would this be better for our chameleons? After all, we have forest animals and not desert animals. My guys get free ranged in house trees a lot and it would be nice to be able to string up some UVB lights for when they are in their trees and if these were 1/2 of the 12% they would probably be perfect to mount on the ceiling above the trees which would be about 36" from the top of the trees. I suppose I could buy one and use my meter to measure the UV, but I hate to waste the money if there was a way to know. Guess I'd better look some more.

I have always been told by the arcadia people that because screen is in the way we should use the 12% if screen wasnt in the way then a 6% would be what we would use.
So if I plan on leaving an opening the size of my light without screen, I should use a 6%?

I'm thinking about getting a 4 bulb T5HO fixture that's for aquariums. I'm not sure what bulbs I should put in it though other then 1 Arcadia 6%. The fixture I'm looking at has timers and what not, I think you can even have it turn on certain bulbs and different times of the day and what not but not entirely sure.
So if I plan on leaving an opening the size of my light without screen, I should use a 6%?

I'm thinking about getting a 4 bulb T5HO fixture that's for aquariums. I'm not sure what bulbs I should put in it though other then 1 Arcadia 6%. The fixture I'm looking at has timers and what not, I think you can even have it turn on certain bulbs and different times of the day and what not but not entirely sure.

Its what I was told. I would use the 6% if no screen was in the way of my bulb. With regards to the other bulbs. You could use plant grow bulbs or normal white light bulbs of give off extra light as you only need the one uv bulb.
Im sure most of you have seen my new cage & hood. My free range has a murcury bulb set at 84 degs. temp & 65 on my meter. My cage has basking spots under the 12% arcadia set at 108. There are other spots at the proper temp with lower UV ratings. I suppliment with Repashy Cal Plus and I have to say..... Ernie is the biggest baddest, healthiest Panther I have ever owned:cool: He is digging on life;) Im sure he would like a GF though:eek:

Here he is soaking up some Arcadia 12% at a 108 meter reading spot...He seems to dig it. He is just over 5 months old.


  • Ernie at  5  or so months 002.jpg
    Ernie at 5 or so months 002.jpg
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  • Ernie at  5  or so months 003.jpg
    Ernie at 5 or so months 003.jpg
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Im sure most of you have seen my new cage & hood. My free range has a murcury bulb set at 84 degs. temp & 65 on my meter. My cage has basking spots under the 12% arcadia set at 108. There are other spots at the proper temp with lower UV ratings. I suppliment with Repashy Cal Plus and I have to say..... Ernie is the biggest baddest, healthiest Panther I have ever owned:cool: He is digging on life;) Im sure he would like a GF though:eek:

Here he is soaking up some Arcadia 12% at a 108 meter reading spot...He seems to dig it. He is just over 5 months old.

Great pics. love how healthy he looks! They do obviously like the higher uv output as yours and mine seem to bask directly below it. They wouldnt do this if they didnt like it!
Well.....I'm a newb to Chameleons but! You may really like junk food a lot, but it's not really good for you to have a whole lot of it :)

Davonat, Is your 12% bulb on top of a screen?
Well.....I'm a newb to Chameleons but! You may really like junk food a lot, but it's not really good for you to have a whole lot of it :)

Davonat, Is your 12% bulb on top of a screen?

Its got 1/4 inch squares hardware cloth... So it doesnt block much if any UV You can search my profile page and see his cage and hood. he is rather close to the bulb.... I dont think my hood reflects as much as it should... but works for me;)
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so by this train of though on more UVB at waht point do you stop giving D3 then. all these numbers say 150 and up in outdoor senarios would no longer requier D3 supplementaion, i feel this fact is being ignored.
if a new owner reads this and goes with a high uvb setup they will no longer be able to follow the typical supplelemting advise givein.

How many hours has this bulb been burned?
With most bulbs there is a burn in period to where the output levels out.
How many hours has this bulb been burned?
With most bulbs there is a burn in period to where the output levels out.

it is a new bulb and has been constistant for tha last 3 days but i will continue to check it out.

as for the question earlier about 6% vs 12%, after speaking with Todd at lightyourreptiles and a few other members i came to the conclusion that the 6% would be the reccomended bulb for chameleons in a cage with a typical single layer of screen. for keepers who have a uvb solarmeter using the 12% allows them to measure and bring the UV levels down through blocking methodes and as the bulb wears out i can remove the blocking and bring UV levels back up, thus extending the life of the bulb.
Their is a brn in period of roughly 10 days where the bulb will get brighter. The 12% uv output is after the 100 hour burn in period.
Oh didn't realize he had the Arcadia's lol. I think I'm starting to get a bit blinded by all this information.
Oh didn't realize he had the Arcadia's lol. I think I'm starting to get a bit blinded by all this information.

Your going to need a different fixture if you go with the T5 HO bulbs..... They are a different length and use a different ballast;)
Your going to need a different fixture if you go with the T5 HO bulbs..... They are a different length and use a different ballast;)

Well I didn't end up ordering the Arcadia, but what do you mean different ballast? The fixture I ordered is a quad bulb T5 HO fixture. And there is a D3+ and D3 36" bulb on his site...?
Well I didn't end up ordering the Arcadia, but what do you mean different ballast? The fixture I ordered is a quad bulb T5 HO fixture. And there is a D3+ and D3 36" bulb on his site...?

Hi Hdale85,
I saw the post and I figured I would just chime in. :)
If the light is only 1 foot to 2 feet away from the animal... then the 6% bulb(s) will be fine.
Do not use 4 UV bulbs.:p TOO MUCH UV.
One or two will be fine and then use 2 good quality 5.5K to 6.5K daylight bulbs.

4 t5's will give allot of light.... so I assune you will be providing plenty of shaded areas. :cool:

And remember remember to do "dawn" and "dusk" if you can.
If it that fixture only has one plug and you can not "step up" the lighting and then "step it down" like Nature...
than please just make sure you have shaded areas.:D

lightyourreptiles@yahoo .com
PS. remember to e-mail if you or anyone would like the Arcadia out put sheets with pics and Solarmeter readings. :)
Its what I was told. I would use the 6% if no screen was in the way of my bulb. With regards to the other bulbs. You could use plant grow bulbs or normal white light bulbs of give off extra light as you only need the one uv bulb.

Hi bradley,

The Arcadia T5's ....even in 6%.... are STRONG and BRIGHT, so screening does NOT interfere much at all.

[email protected]

Remember, I have spec sheets that have pics and Solarmeter readings (with and without screening :) ) feel free to call or e-mail if you or anyone is interested in stepping up to a premium bulb and has questions. thats why I am here.

YES.. I know I know...I would put it up in the tread but it is in a word document and to big to up-load... I have tried. :rolleyes:
it is a new bulb and has been constistant for tha last 3 days but i will continue to check it out.

as for the question earlier about 6% vs 12%, after speaking with Todd at lightyourreptiles and a few other members i came to the conclusion that the 6% would be the reccomended bulb for chameleons in a cage with a typical single layer of screen. for keepers who have a uvb solarmeter using the 12% allows them to measure and bring the UV levels down through blocking methodes and as the bulb wears out i can remove the blocking and bring UV levels back up, thus extending the life of the bulb.

Right on!:D
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