Are these colors normal?


New Member
i just recently purchased a female young veiled chameleon and today her colors have been very weird she looked like this earlier with the light head and now she is a very light green almost yellow color is that normal?


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I have to disagree, she doesn't look fine to me. Has she had a bad fall lately? Her right flank looks bruised. Can you post a couple more pics that are a little closer to that side please?
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She looks stressed but the colors are normal for a brand new cham that isn't sure about its surroundings. My little girl was similar colors when I switched her cage.
So I shouldn't be worried about her being sick?

As a new owner you will always worry about her being sick :p. She was likely a bit stressed out being in a new environment and needs a little time to settle in. You should check out these links for taking care of female veiled chameleons...

They are on the Caresheet page...

Best of luck with your new friend and Welcome to the forums! :D
I have to disagree, she doesn't look fine to me. Has she had a bad fall lately? Her right flank looks bruised. Can you post a couple more pics that are a little closer to that side please?

I agree. She doesn't look fine to me either. If they are overheated they will tend to blanch and become pale. What are your temperatures? You can dehydrate them really quickly at too high temps. Too high temperatures are serious stressors.
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