Are these edible?


I was walking my dogs on a trail through the woods and came across these worms. I thought they were silk worms because they were in mulberry trees and in the silk web thing, but from comparing them to pictures of other silk worms I'm not so sure anymore.


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Maybe I'm wrong, but silk worms that we feed are the greyish hairless kind. Those are still silkworms, but maybe a different type?

I wouldn't feed them until someone else chimes in.
I'd stay away just because of hairs on them. Caterpillar's that are that hairy usually use the hairs as a defense. The hairs have the potential to irritate the throat.

ooh ooh i know

They are caterpillars that feed on a certain tree. They will only feed on the type of tree you found them on. They are called tent caterpillars. My kid is fascinated with them and kept them last year. Everyday i had to drive to where he got them & get fresh leaves. (as always it possible for me to be wrong)
Thanks for the help everyone. I think I'll just go out them back on the tree and hope i didn't kill them all!
My grandson tried to eat one, a hair or more got under his gums, and we had the joy of digging them out. We knew they were under the gum because:
a) he was screaming, and b) the gum swelled up so we knew where they were.

Set them free my friend!

Again, the hairs argument: I was going to tell you this but forgot.

Hairs are usually not a good thing on bugs. Avoid bugs if they are: red and black, bright bright colors, hairy, etc.
kill those ! they are a pest - and yes, the hairs will just about kill anything that eats them- we burn them out of the trees when we see them- if you watch, even the birds wont touch them - kill as many as you can - they are bad for the trees ( but the moth is a pretty white :cool: to bad they are so hard on the trees )
agreed they have become common in the UK taking over hedge rows by my dads apparently they are nasty little buggers causing inflation and pain if the hair get in you. kill them all
I think they are tent caterpillars which are not edible.

I caught some and left them in my car for some time until I found out what they were but unfortunately they got out......... it was havoc! :mad::mad::mad:
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