Armstrong's cricks = 'quiet'!!??


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Ordered 1000 3/4 grown cricks from Armstrong a few weeks ago, so they are almost all adults now.
Just the other day, I realized something odd, NO CHIRPING!! not a single sound from any of these crickets!! :eek:

I have no clue what species these are, but has anyone else noticed this?

I have my crick bin in the dinning room where it's warm. They were in the basement, too cold down there!!

I should be hearing LOTS of chirping, but nothing!!??

This is kinda creepy :eek: :confused:
Armstrong still uses house crickets like the last 30 years. Odds are they dont chirp if they are below 70F. Also i dont get chirpers at 2/3" till 2 weeks in when they get their wings.

PS: armstrong only sells 2/3" and adult, how you get 3/4"?
That sounds like heaven! My batch are just starting to get their chirpers it drives me nuts!! Fills the quiet voids though I suppose....

I also just read that "Camel crickets" do not chirp, could this be what they are? They're a bit creepy looking..
No chirping sounds nice...

I get our crickets from Ghanns.. and they now sell hybrid crickets that are resistant to the cricket virus.

They look different, brown with black outlines.

They also act different. They chirp super loud and it almost doesn't sound like a cricket.. it sound like a robot. They jump extremely high. I had to buy deeper cricket bins and use deeper feeder cups.

They are a super race of crickets..... they may very well be plotting world domination
I like the cherping - all 1000 of them - it reminds me of summer - they are in the house, under my steps in a heated built in closet - but my husband....wants to turn the raid lose on them :eek: :p
Armstrong still uses house crickets like the last 30 years. Odds are they dont chirp if they are below 70F. Also i dont get chirpers at 2/3" till 2 weeks in when they get their wings.

PS: armstrong only sells 2/3" and adult, how you get 3/4"?

I was just guessing that part.
Hey, I know they don't chirp till they have wings (that's HOW they chirp) and most of mine are adults with wings.

I also think you missed the part were I said I moved them to a warmer spot. They are kept in the 70's.

Also, I have had all the different popular species down in my basement since back in the 1980's, and they ALL chirped down there, even in the winter when it's low 60's.

This batch of cricks are all mutants I think!!??
I like the cherping - all 1000 of them - it reminds me of summer - they are in the house, under my steps in a heated built in closet - but my husband....wants to turn the raid lose on them :eek: :p

I like it too, until they escape and end up in my room.
No fun hunting down cricks at 2am, naked, with a flashlight :eek:
That sounds like heaven! My batch are just starting to get their chirpers it drives me nuts!! Fills the quiet voids though I suppose....

I also just read that "Camel crickets" do not chirp, could this be what they are? They're a bit creepy looking..

I have seen an ingenious way of keeping crickets quiet. If you shake the cricket keeper and yell at them apparently they stay quiet....forever...
Ive been buying from Armstrong for yrs. Mine usually chirp that I get. I have had a few batches that were quieter than normal but a few would still chirp. I dont think Armstrong has changed to the hybrid crickets they were one of the few large cricket sellers that werent affected by the virus.
I like it too, until they escape and end up in my room.
No fun hunting down cricks at 2am, naked, with a flashlight :eek:

Great visuals on that thanks :rolleyes: You wouldn't be the only one though, I've been known to scour my house wielding only my iphone and boxers to find a noise lol
Yeah, I ready their website and there is no mention of "quiet" crickets.
I just went to look at the tub. Most of the cricks have wings, they have plenty of food (not that that would have any effect on their chirping!!) and the room temp is 75F.

I thought it was weird that I was able to keep my bedroom door open all night last night as I am a very light sleeper and a single chrip would wake me up.
But no chirping!!

If this continues, guess where I'm buying my cricks from now on!! :D
They must be in a meeting of the minds! LOL. I keep mine upstairs but still hear chirping from time to time through our stove vent.

And of course any strays that tend to get loose.
Doesn't only the males chirp?.....maybe all you have are girls!......I sure don't know the answer, I buy them 500 at a time, and one time there was no chirping at all, the last 500 chirped constantly, and some of those ended up in the house.
I have seen an ingenious way of keeping crickets quiet. If you shake the cricket keeper and yell at them apparently they stay quiet....forever...

That's just terrible to think about! Who'd do such a thing??? Probably not someone you'd want to leave your cham with thats for sure...
Man! You guys are sissies!!!:D I love the sound of chirping crix. Makes me feel like I am camping even though Im in the house:D
I like the cherping - all 1000 of them - it reminds me of summer - they are in the house, under my steps in a heated built in closet - but my husband....wants to turn the raid lose on them :eek: :p

Same in my household. I'm apparently the only one who doesn't mind the sound of crickets chirping.
Then again, I'm the only one who doesn't mind touching the crickets, either.:D

Armstrong's cricket are brown crickets, Acheta domestica which are less agressive than other species, according to Armstrong's
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