asking for prayers for my Flomar please...


Avid Member
Please pray for my Flomar....
I was home sick today and he starts having projectile vomiting throwing up all kinds of foul watery stuff...
so, As soon as I feel better I take him to the vet, it appears on X-ray there is some kind of mass or obstruction in his stomach... Plus he's full of poop... His digestive/elimination system is a mess... They are keeping him giving him something for nausea and giving him fluids because of the dehydration.... If he doesn't pass the "obstruction" they may have to
Me, nor my bank account wants that.... Pray for lots if pooping please!!!!!!!!
Thanks,,, me and Flomar

Rascal, LYnx, Jasmine, Zoe and Zaphod are all worried for Flomar! Hope all goes well and surgery isn't needed! Sending thoughts and prayers for you and hope you feel better! :)

Are they thinking hairball of some kind? Just wondering if Flo can keep anything down. If so, sometimes a little olive oil in some soft food can act as a lubricant and help pass tough hair blockages. Hope this has a quick resolution! Keep us posted!!! ;)
Thank you all for the thought and prayers for Flomar.... He is in much better spirits this morning, even ate a small bit of canned food with some fish oil on it..
He's still confined to the bathroom until I see he's pooping on his own.. And he's going to need another bath, he still is a bit odiferous!!! ;)
When I get home I'm going to let him out of the bathroom and let him roam around some...
He's not completely out of the woods yet so please continue to pray for poop! !!!! Lisa :)
Rascal, LYnx, Jasmine, Zoe and Zaphod are all worried for Flomar! Hope all goes well and surgery isn't needed! Sending thoughts and prayers for you and hope you feel better! :)

Are they thinking hairball of some kind? Just wondering if Flo can keep anything down. If so, sometimes a little olive oil in some soft food can act as a lubricant and help pass tough hair blockages. Hope this has a quick resolution! Keep us posted!!! ;)

Michael,, that's exactly what the Vet recommended add a little fish oil to his food... and trying some canned food instead of dry for the added moisture effect.
Thanks,,, lisa
Oh no! I'm sorry that your beautiful kitty isn't well :( I hope and pray for poop! (Not for the first time either!) hope he's ok real soon!
I'm sorry Lisa that I did not see this until this morning.....I am sure praying everything will be OK with Flomar.....I hope your next reply will make us all very happy.
Flomar update....

thank you all soooo much for your concern and well wishes for Flomar (and poop :))!!!!
he is acting much more like Flomar, into everything!!!
i am limiting his dry food intake and offering some canned food as well, i squeeze the fish oil onto the food both wet and dry... he has passed some poop, they have both been hard as rocks, the second one was a mass of hair and poop i assume, im hoping that hair mass was what was showing up on xray in his stomach!
he hasn't had any more vomiting since coming home and i am brushing him daily in hopes or reducing the amount of hair he ingests as he grooms himself!! maybe i should just give him a full body shave!!! ;)

here are some pics of him this afternoon playing in the water... i wish i knew how to post video here, its a hoot, he paddles away with both hands, er,, i mean feet trying to empty the sink and get the devil duck!!!!! when he feels good, one of his favorite pastimes!!!!
once again,,, THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! it means the world to me!!!! :)
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