Assassin Bug


New Member
I took my chameleon, Fern, outside for an hour a little over 24hrs ago. I had her on my avocado plant and was sitting right next to her. She was absolutely loving life. I see her start to move more quickly and before I can stop her, she’s eaten an assassin bug.

Freaking out as I know assassin bugs have stingers and can carry parasites. What level of panic should I be in? What should my next steps be?

She has been acting completely normal. She’s very outgoing for a chameleon, very comfortable with me. None of that behavior has changed. She’s been eating and drinking great. Pics of my happy girl cuz she’s cute.


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First of all, what a cutie!!!! I love those pictures 😍 and i love her name! I personally would just watch her closely for a couple days. Make sure she is eating drinking and pooping like normal. If you are concerned about parasites, you can take a poo sample to your vet have it tested. I think parasites would be the bigger concern here. You just don’t know what that bug has gotten in to before Fern got a hold of it.

I’m far from an expert and others may have different advice so keep that in mind. I have read posts here about chams eating all kinds of things. Even saw one where a Cham ate a lizard while they were outside!
I took my chameleon, Fern, outside for an hour a little over 24hrs ago. I had her on my avocado plant and was sitting right next to her. She was absolutely loving life. I see her start to move more quickly and before I can stop her, she’s eaten an assassin bug.

Freaking out as I know assassin bugs have stingers and can carry parasites. What level of panic should I be in? What should my next steps be?

She has been acting completely normal. She’s very outgoing for a chameleon, very comfortable with me. None of that behavior has changed. She’s been eating and drinking great. Pics of my happy girl cuz she’s cute.
She is so beautiful, I love the name! 🤩
Welcome to the forum. I would be more concerned with having her on the avocado plant. The entire plant is toxic and with veileds they will eat plants. So you run the risk of her ingesting a plant that can cause severe gastrointestinal issues. Also from the reading I did about these plants prior in reptiles this plant if ingested can cause heart issues in reptiles.
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