Baby 3 Legged Iguana Living in Our Yard

What's the difference between a wc cham and a wc iguana?

I don't buy WC chameleons and if I did I sure wouldn't put it in a cage. There's some Iguana mom's down in Key West they keep and educate. They are looking for a good home for him. Chris is correct, allot of people here hate them because they eat their bushes and poop in their pools. I love it when they are in my yard. I always water them and feed them.
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If you feed and water him long enough, maybe he will just walk into your house onto a free range!
Beautiful creature! Have you given him a name?

Feeding him and watering him will give him an advantage, he may have a disadvantage with his leg etc, but he has an advantage not having to worry so much about food and water, which means he will be more able to run or fight any possible predators who can become an issue. You are helping as much as you should in my opinion. Thankfully he has someone like you watching out for him. I had a female very gravid from the looks of things, alligator lizard in my backyard the other day. I picked her up because she never tried to flee from me, checked her over for wounds and then placed her next to a recent puddle (from us watering plants) because it had been really hot that day and fed her a really fat silkworm. I haven't seen her recently but their territory isn't huge so I assume she's either in my yard back or front somewhere ^^
Feeding him and watering him will give him an advantage, he may have a disadvantage with his leg etc, but he has an advantage not having to worry so much about food and water, which means he will be more able to run or fight any possible predators who can become an issue. You are helping as much as you should in my opinion. Thankfully he has someone like you watching out for him. I had a female very gravid from the looks of things, alligator lizard in my backyard the other day. I picked her up because she never tried to flee from me, checked her over for wounds and then placed her next to a recent puddle (from us watering plants) because it had been really hot that day and fed her a really fat silkworm. I haven't seen her recently but their territory isn't huge so I assume she's either in my yard back or front somewhere ^^

Thank you Amber for your kind words. I'm doing the best I can for him outside. I'm still working on my husband to let him come inside. We both love lizards.
Maybe he could be an indoor outdoor iguana? Like sometimes when it's a harsh time of the year or something you keep him inside for a bit? Not sure? Or as he gets more used to you make an iguana door he can use whenever he wants?
Welcome home, Piper! I guess "Piper" rolls off the tongue a little better than "Nubby Na Nubs"!
In either case, it will be interesting to see how he/she settles in.

Welcome home, Piper! I guess "Piper" rolls off the tongue a little better than "Nubby Na Nubs"!
In either case, it will be interesting to see how he/she settles in.

Welcome home, Piper! I guess "Piper" rolls off the tongue a little better than "Nubby Na Nubs"!
In either case, it will be interesting to see how he/she settles in.


I felt bad calling him Nubby....poor little boy. I didn't want to name him until I knew I could keep him and I thought Piper could be male or female. He is settling in very well. I held him and loved on him twice today. He really likes head rubs. :D

Ha ha! I knew it was only a matter of time!

It wasn't to hard because my husband loves lizards too. :)
I think if he becomes kind of an inside outside iguana it might also be easier to control the aggression that both females and males have during breeding season. Because you wouldn't have to worry to much likely about controlling it since he/she could just take him/her for a walk. Even if you just make the outside where he/she can roam a huge outdoor kind of green house, idk what kind of room you have in your backyard. I love Piper already <3
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