Baby ambilobes hatching


New Member
I have had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of babies born over the years, but I am still so fascinated when the babies hatch. You can see a couple that have hatched and a couple heads just beginning to emerge from the eggs.
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so its ok to have the eggs incubating that close to each other??

Very cool, waiting(impatiently) for my eggs to hatch......
so its ok to have the eggs incubating that close to each other??

Very cool, waiting(impatiently) for my eggs to hatch......

I have always done the most traditional way of placing the eggs an inch or so apart.
I thought I would go away from the norm on how to incubate these eggs and try something different. As you can see, it works very well. This is my first time experimenting with the eggs incubating like this. thus far, it seems the eggs are more in synch with each other while hatching.
If you think about it, a cham lays her eggs in a tight little ball in the ground, so why wouldn't this work.

Congrats Lance!!!!! Thank you for sharing your pictures of the little one's coming out! There's nothing like a cute little baby! :)
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