New Member
Hello everyone! I am a vet tech that has recently acquired a chameleon that was dropped off from a client that could no longer care for him. I know VERY little about him because he was actually dropped off to the PetSmart associates and eventually made his way to me. At first glance it was very clear that he was not normal. After a small amount of research it's pretty obvious he has MBD and may have been suffering for quite some time...
I have always wanted a chameleon and although I am realizing that chameleons require A LOT of time and effort (if you are to take care of them appropriately) I am willing to do anything to help him regain his health and hopefully live a close to normal rest of his life.
Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon of unknown age, unknown sex. Have had for 5 days now.
After misting he is a little more active and that's when I attempt to feed him. When feeding he is pretty responsive sometimes with eyes open and wriggles. When not feeding he is unresponsive with eyes closed and at times I have to check that he is breathing because he looks like he's passed.
I originally had him on the coconut fiber bedding with bark going by what I was told at PetSmart and thought this might be more natural for him but have since put him on a paper towel to prevent the bedding from going in his open mouth.
His left forearm is probably the most deformed and when he tries to crawl around it mostly just scratches his own face
That side of his face looks more discolored and crusted-like than the other side. He still has some strength in his hands if I set small branches in them but definitely more so in his rear legs - still not anywhere close to be able to support himself on a branch however.
Today, Day 5, was the first day I was worried he was having a tongue issue. At times he will extend it farther than ever before and it will remain outside his mouth for a time but has always went back in. Is this him regaining his tongue strength?? It's still not strong enough to take in an insect but I put drops of ReptaBoost on the top of his tongue for him to lap back in his mouth.
Here are some pictures of the little guy!
Day 1
Day 1 - after first misting
Day 2
Day 5 - first poop!
Day 5
Day 5 - Tongue eventually retracted into mouth
Any and all advice is much appreciated! I'd really like to turn this little guy's life around. He's suffered enough
Thanks so much in advance!
I have always wanted a chameleon and although I am realizing that chameleons require A LOT of time and effort (if you are to take care of them appropriately) I am willing to do anything to help him regain his health and hopefully live a close to normal rest of his life.
Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon of unknown age, unknown sex. Have had for 5 days now.
- Handling - Can't tell if he really likes to be handled at this point because he's so helpless but I would like to get him used to being handled granted he makes it through this difficult time. I realize for the most part they do better with less handling but I would like to not be hissed at either ?Right now I'm focused on him rebuilding his strength and only handle when having to hand feed.
- Feeding - Syringe feeding 1 ml of Flukers ReptaBoost split into 2 feedings AM and PM - would it better to feed all in the morning? I don't know his exact size but I worry both about not feeding him enough and feeding him too much... I tried to hand feed small crickets but his mouth is almost completely agape at times and he is only able to swallow and even that seems pretty difficult.
- Supplements - Was giving a dash of RepCal calcium with D3 mixed into ReptaBoost before reading that this should only be given once every 2 weeks. Regular calcium without D3 is not offered at my pets store but I was able to find Flukers liquid calcium. Is this appropriate? How much liquid calcium drops should I be giving per day? Is it possible to overdose calcium at this time? I want to give him enough to start rebuilding his bones but don't want to overdo it either.
- Watering - Misting as much as I could at first to help correct any dehydration, Now about 3 times a day for ~2 minutes. First thing in the morning, middle of the afternoon and before bed.
- Fecal Description - Has only had one poo in 5 days, watery brown poo and white urate.
- History - Entirely unknown.
- Cage Type - 10-20 gallon glass enclosure, unknown brand as this was in the storage of my veterinary clinic. If he continues to do well I would like to get a more appropriate, larger, caged enclosure.
- Lighting - ZooMed Mini Combo Deep Dome Dual Lamp Fixture: Thrive 13 watt UVB and ZooMed 60 W heat lamp during the day, was using a similar 60 W 'night light' (red) because I was worried he would get too cold at night before I read that it is unnecessary.
- Temperature - I still need to get a new temperature gage as I am not sure the one I have is accurate but the middle of the enclosure reads 72. I worry that he is not able to regulate appropriately since he definitely cannot climb to warmer spots, much less ambulate around on the ground floor.
- Humidity - Humidity seems more accurate as it changes appropriately when I mist. The lowest it gets before I need to mist is 40 while the highest I like to get to before I stop misting is 70 (within the 'Tropical zone' on my hygrometer). I recently purchased the Thrive Misting Machine to help with the humidity if I was not able to spray but it does less misting and more just a steady stream of water which is just pooling in my enclosure. Any tips on this specific machine is much appreciated, ie. a way to create more of a mister?
- Plants - No current plants since he is unable to climb but I have put branches and random clippings from outside to make him feel more at home/in the wild...
- Placement - Bedside right now so I can keep a better eye on him, if he continues to do well I plan to move him closer to a window but in the corner for indirect light.
- Location - Texas
After misting he is a little more active and that's when I attempt to feed him. When feeding he is pretty responsive sometimes with eyes open and wriggles. When not feeding he is unresponsive with eyes closed and at times I have to check that he is breathing because he looks like he's passed.
I originally had him on the coconut fiber bedding with bark going by what I was told at PetSmart and thought this might be more natural for him but have since put him on a paper towel to prevent the bedding from going in his open mouth.
His left forearm is probably the most deformed and when he tries to crawl around it mostly just scratches his own face
Today, Day 5, was the first day I was worried he was having a tongue issue. At times he will extend it farther than ever before and it will remain outside his mouth for a time but has always went back in. Is this him regaining his tongue strength?? It's still not strong enough to take in an insect but I put drops of ReptaBoost on the top of his tongue for him to lap back in his mouth.
Here are some pictures of the little guy!
Day 1
Day 1 - after first misting
Day 2
Day 5 - first poop!
Day 5
Day 5 - Tongue eventually retracted into mouth
Any and all advice is much appreciated! I'd really like to turn this little guy's life around. He's suffered enough