Hello, I'm new to this website and this is my first time ever doing a forum website type thing. last month got a pair of baby veiled chameleons (1 male , 1 female) from a friend of mine who breeds them. They are in a 66qt tub with a UVB bulb , there isn't a heat bulb because it seems to give off a bit of heat and im afraid if i do get a heat bulb the chameleons will over heat quickly do to their size. I was thinking about buying the Zoomed ReptiBreeze 16x16x30 to house both of them. I've read that they should be separated after sexual maturity but i just want to make sure because these are the first chameleons i have ever had and i love em to bits. Would housing both of them in the 16x16x30 with a heat and UVB bulb be alright? If so then what would be the reaching point to when they should be housed individually? They are about 5 weeks old as of right now.