Baby Deremensis with broken tibia


New Member
My poor little guy broke his tibia/fibula as seen on x-ray and now has a little splint made of tape. You have no idea how hard it was to manage putting that on! We are waiting until he is a little bigger to possibly amputate. I have to keep changing the "splint" as he grows. It happened either before or during shipping, and obviously he was not given enough calcium from the person I purchased from (I'm not going to name names). Keep your fingers crossed and hope it does not get worse, become necrotic leading to sepsis, or dislocate his hip. We taped it so it would not put so much pressure on his hip joint. We did not euthanize because he is the healthiest of the clutch, eats the most, and moves around the most! One would never think that, but he is extremely healthy despite his leg. Anyone have any ideas for names?


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Isn't he just adorable? I didn't hatch him, but I got him from a friend who hatched him. I am fortunate, these guys are hard to find CB
Oh, my gosh...he's darling....I sort of love that tape is enough to be a splint...I hope it heals well. You really can't call him Tiny Tim...I mean, that can be his official name, but face'll call him something else...Tiny or Tim... or TT or T....
Oh, my gosh...he's darling....I sort of love that tape is enough to be a splint...I hope it heals well. You really can't call him Tiny Tim...I mean, that can be his official name, but face'll call him something else...Tiny or Tim... or TT or T....

I will take a picture of his splint tomorrow and post it... it is adorable! You're right, when he's huge, he's going to be Mr. T
Aw man such a shame about his leg, but he looks awesome anyway and good luck with him.

Do you have just 1 deremensis, I want to get some of these guys in the future. What chams do you have?
Aw man such a shame about his leg, but he looks awesome anyway and good luck with him.

Do you have just 1 deremensis, I want to get some of these guys in the future. What chams do you have?

He is quite a good looking guy, the swelling has gone down, so I'm thinking he's going to be okay. I actually have 5 from the same clutch, I am thinking about getting the rest of the clutch. They are just such a beautiful species. As far as different species that I hope to breed in the future, I have 1.0 Veiled, 1.1 Oustaleti, 2.1 K. multituberculata, 1.1 Carpets, 1.2 pygmies, and 2.3 Deremensis. They all have such unique personalities, the Carpet chameleons seem to be the most shy.
aww! Poor guy! He is so good looking though! Hopefully he heals up ok. How'd he break it?

I think it happened during shipping. I am pretty confident that the guy didn't ship him to me like that, and the degree of swelling and the coloration suggests that it was recent and most likely happened during shipping. I just wonder how it cold have happened. Unless it happened when he picked him up to put him in the container and didn't realize. The sad thing is that I can't give him any pain meds due to his size, so stabilizing it is the best I can do. Fortunately he is getting color back into his foot, so things are looking good. I have to change the bandage next week and take another radiograph, so we'll see how it looks then.
One of my many bearded pygmies had a bad broken leg when I received him. It was impossible to do anything with as it was about 1/8th of an inch from his armpit right above the joint. It has since healed and now his leg is just very oddly shaped. He gets around fine. It never stopped him from eating or drinking, he even mounted a female with it freshly broken. Luckily your guy is of a bigger species and your were able to splint his. Good luck, he looks so cute.

One of my many bearded pygmies had a bad broken leg when I received him. It was impossible to do anything with as it was about 1/8th of an inch from his armpit right above the joint. It has since healed and now his leg is just very oddly shaped. He gets around fine. It never stopped him from eating or drinking, he even mounted a female with it freshly broken. Luckily your guy is of a bigger species and your were able to splint his. Good luck, he looks so cute.


That makes me feel so much better, thanks for sharing your experience :)
That's adorable :) He's too tough for a cute name though, it would make him angry :D He's so funny, he's the spunkiest of the group, he's the first to eat and the fastest one, I just can't believe how he books around the cage on three legs. I have to get a picture on here of his "splint", I will take it in the morning.
His leg is doing well. The fracture did not cut off blood supply, so it most likely won't have to be amputated below the knee, it will just ossify to become completely straight, but he uses it to his advantage to balance with. The swelling has gone down, the color is back to normal, and it just looks great overall. I will post a pic in the morning.

This tape is the best be could do for his "splint" because he is so small, and it works quite nicely. I also included on of the others from the clutch just because of how cute they are.


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