Baby Jackson's boy or girl?


New Member
Hey, how do you tell if a baby Jackson's Chameleon is a boy or a girl. On January 18th, I found two babies and they both had three teeny weeny horns on their heads. Do girl baby Jackson's Chameleons have horns too and then grow out of them, or what??

This information would be so helpful to me.

If anyone has information. please notify me. :)

WenLu aka Cow1996
I'm guessing you're in Hawai'i? Males have three horns that are obvious soon after birth. Occasional females may sport a very small rostral (nose) horn.
should be interesting to hear what others have to say.

i have 10 babies and am pretty sure 4 are girls/6 are boys. girls are smaller, darker and have little bumps in place of horns. the 6 boys are bigger, are more patterned and have 3 well defined, big bumps on their head. i could be wrong tho - perhaps i have 10 boys and 4 are on the slow track to development? they are now 4 mos. old and are starting to be olive green on occasion:D
should be interesting to hear what others have to say.

i have 10 babies and am pretty sure 4 are girls/6 are boys. girls are smaller, darker and have little bumps in place of horns. the 6 boys are bigger, are more patterned and have 3 well defined, big bumps on their head. i could be wrong tho - perhaps i have 10 boys and 4 are on the slow track to development? they are now 4 mos. old and are starting to be olive green on occasion:D

What else would there be to say?

If well taken care of, females from the horn-bearing sub-species would have obvious horn growth by four months old. You likely have the xantholophus subspecies as well?
the person i got the mommy from didn't give me much information - so i have no idea, but assume that the parents are xanth. what i'm curious about is whether i indeed have 4 girls (fingers crossed) or if all of them are boys. i haven't found any info about typical boy/girl ratios in jackson's or any chams for that matter. some reptiles tend to have clutches of all one sex - what about chams?
From the Jackson's clutches that I've seen, I would say that anecdotally I have noticed more males than females. Not sure if that's common across the board, but it does seem that way. If you can, post some pics of your little ones that are questionable. They're probably big enough to be accurate with them by now. How many horns does the mother have?
yeah, the whole picture thing...i need help from my husband - i have loads but can't seem to get them up - this can be my project for tomorrow.

the mommy has 3 bumps - like beauty marks:D
took a close up of what i think is a boy and a girl together - once the husband gets home i will hopefully have the pics up.
that is good information - but never having actually seen a boy jackson's between the legs i can't tell:eek: plus the babies are so darn tiny and they don't stay still for longer than about 1 second. i think i will keep my guess by looking at the bumps on their faces :)

still working at getting the pics up.....
pictures from today. the best is very small but i think the girl is in the fore ground and her brother in the back ground.

baby on the green cup is a girl i think

but all of the babies have bumps (3 in the correct places) on their faces


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they look very young, you said four month's? no way and depending on the mother (having one or three horns) i would agree with kent and say you have all males and xanth's
from my jacksonii clutch 7 survived, they all have three horns (because the mother has three horns)and i am pretty sure i have 6 males, one female. that's alot of males to females.

Drew-they are actually 3 months(born 10/21-right?)-I almost took this female, and no one knew she was going to pop out babies! Sharkey has done a most excellent job keeping these little guys thriving!
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from my jacksonii clutch 7 survived, they all have three horns (because the mother has three horns)and i am pretty sure i have 6 males, one female. that's alot of males to females.


Hey Drew,

I know I sound like a broken record but now that I see how many males you ended up with, please don't forget me if you decide to sell any. I've got two F1 females coming up on 10 months old and no idea if or when any more of that subsp. will be available. Out of curiosity, how much sun do yours get and what were you feeding them when they were young?
the babies are just now 3 months old; today in fact(i may have mistakenly said 4 months earlier). i have been concerned about their growth since their birth because it was unexpected and i've never had a reptile before.

they seem small to me too - but i don't quite know what else to do. seems like most people favor panthers or veilds, and jackson's aren't considered to be 'special' enough for people to divulge their info (or maybe there just isn't much known) i've searched and searched the net - looking especially for researched based info and can't find it. the few books i've found contain simplistic, general information that i already know. i've done a decent job documenting what i do for my animals for future use but i need help now to do the best i can to keep my current animals healthy and alive.

if any one has growth rate charts, weight charts, feeding rates, supplementation schedules etc for baby jackson's and they'd like to share i'd love to hear from them!:)

i've started cup feeding the babies in anticipation of them going to new homes. i feel that most people's mindset is that all animals eat like dogs; give them food, animal eats. chams are so different. cup feeding will allow these new owners to track their chams food consumption to keep them alive. in addition, free feeding a few crix each day will give the cham something to do and require them to move around the enclosure.

again - any of you who have raised baby jackson's and have tips/info/stories and want to share - i'd love to hear from you! :)
Reply to SuperRad about Jackson's Chameleon boy or girl?

Hi, SuperRad. You have a GREAT!!!!!!!!! website. I think your veiled chameleons are alot cooler than my Jackson's chameleons.:cool:
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