Baby mellers passed


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For those that knew or didnt know i risked buying a baby meller at the San diego reptile super show. I knew he/she wasnt in the best of health but decided to take the chance and learn from it and was hoping to save it,

the baby mellers i called "Mel" lived and i felt was happy for two-weeks, he/she ate fruit flies and drank pretty good, but in the end came to a sudden stop and just collapsed today. i feel really bad that i couldnt save it, BUT i knew i think i prolonged the inevitable farther than it could have been.

He/she was a true fighter, stubborn and trying to go agaisnt the odds, Mel was a very young cham, too young to be sold, i good guess he was only 3 weeks, died ad about 5 weeks old or so.

It was hard because i started to have a bond with the little guy, but i learned/experienced alot and will carry that with me.

Mel will be burried next to a hibiscus plant in our yard, to remind me what i experienced and learned from carring for him/her.

Rest in Peace Mel, you will always be remembered as a fighter to the end
:( I'm so sorry to hear... Poor little guy. I'm sure you'll get the chance to own other one day. Rest in peace little dude!
That's totally messed up! I'm sorry to hear that. I was really hoping he would pull through for you. :( :( ;(
Sorry for your loss.

Sometimes they just cant overcome all the obstacles they go through to get here.
Sorry to hear that Ace. As many of you know, melleri are very dear to me and the one species that I have concentrated most of my efforts towards. That burns my hide when I see people that are just trying to make a buck by selling something that young. Don't even get me started. Anyway, I'm glad he/she at least went to someone who would give it a chance. Good for you but so sorry for your loss.
So sad Ace. I'm really sorry to hear that the little guy didn't make it. At least you gave him a chance.
I was excited and hopeful for you when I first read that you got a baby. You did the best you could for little Mel and no one can take that from you.

My sincerest condolences.
So sorry Ace, I went through the same with a baby Sambava from the show in April:( it is amazing how attached you get so quick, I feel for ya!
Sorry for your loss :( sounds like it wasn't in the best condition before you got it, at least the little guy/gal had a good last few weeks with a loving owner
That's too bad ... poor baby. I'm sure you did everything possible to give him a chance and the blame lies with the fool trying to make a quick buck.
Ace sorry to hear about your little guy. I always try to avoid emotional attachment for a least a month or so, it doesn't always work but I try. Well the bad news just keeps coming, number 1 of the three lasted about 1 week longer than yours. It kind of caught me off-guard as he had been eating and drinking and looked pretty good. From what I've been hearing this is more the norm than the exception for this mysterious group of baby mellers.
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