Baby Panther Chams

I picked up one at a herp show . The male<father> they had in the cage next to the babies (mother not there.) He was about as long as my fore arm. My son and me were amazed at the size of this guy. We picked out an active fat little guy who's eaten everyday since the show and drank water every option its given. I couldnt ask for a better start. Its colors however have mostly stayed in the white range. Is this normal for a 3 week old-ish ? I see the spine change and it does small cicrle markings on its sides from time to time but usually white to a brownish. So when will it strat to develop more of a Crayloa library of colors ?
You got your guy pretty young if he's only 3 weeks, not a problem but still young. Generally they start to show a decent amount of color between 3-6 months. Obviously there are late bloomers, but I'll link you a thread to my guy. He's only about 5 1/2 months now, and the pictures are from 4 and 5 months of age. Hopefully that'll show you a bit of what he'll show between that time.

I believe it's a year to a year and a half for them to develop the full extreme of their colors, but trust me a chameleon will looks hot younger then that. Post some pictures of your guy in the General Photography area! And feel free to comment on my little guy if you take a look :)
Sounds like you purchased from the same vendor at the Evansville show that I did! My male panther showed very slight colors at about 4 months old, then hit a color spurt at about 5 months old. The colors get brighter every shed, basically. Some panthers take longer to develop colors than others, and if you have a female, it can be very hard to tell. The breeder at the Evansville show I got mine from said that they were too little for him to tell the gender, so I am hoping my little one is a girl! Girl's colors develop differently, and are not as neon, but are still fantastic in their own way :) Give that tiny baby several months to develop some great colors! If it's the same sire as mine, they will be fantastic!
Oldskool our baby has similar markings on its side. Ill try to get some pics. Half our life is packed away- were in transit between 2 houses. Were doing an upgrade so Ill have a room for my chams and wife gets a room to babysit ppls bratty kids. Ill try to get something uploaded tho.
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