So several days ago it looked like our egg was shrinking but had a split in the side, I thought it wasn't going to hatch. I checked it tonight and saw just the head poking out but zero movement and everything was stiff, I thought I was too late. I gently squeezed it out of the egg, again no sign of life at all and please forgive me if this was the wrong thing to do, but after I gently pushed on its side a few times I stated to see it breathe!! It's now running around, very active. I have no idea what to do now. It was in a doubled container, one with green stuff and an outer one with water. I dumped the water (rinsed and dried it) and transferred the green stuff to the larger container with cham and a few leaves with stems from my other enclosure. What next?! He also has a wound like spot on his rear hip area, should this cause concern or normal?