Baby Panther is going downhill, Help!

I think 15 crickets a day is a little much, I only fed my Nosey be 6 small crickets a day and he is now a year old, I have had him since 3 months. My Nosey be drinks directly of my spray bottle and I believe the humidity is waaaay to low. My humidity is like 70, and their eggs need to be at like 80 percent humidity. My Cham also want through spells where he would not eat, but he eventually started eating.
Alright, new problem.....sigh. His little butt / vent is really, really irritated and bunpy. It almost looks like he has a small hemorrhoid? I just got done cleaning it. Could this be an impaction issue? I have heard of prolapses, but not sure this is one. It seems more like it's on the outside than the inside. Can anyone give some insight. He IS definitely going to the vet tomorrow. Should I put something on it for tonight to stave off possible infection?
Just talked with my breeder about all this. We are in agreement that this may be an impaction issue. He told me the little things near his vent were the hemipenals and they usually pop out when they are having trouble passing something. Vet ASAP!
Not sure if any one is still following this but, took my little man to the vet today. Vet ruled out parasites yet again and impaction. We think he ingested something at some point, it irritated his bowel and caused the bleeding for one day. Now his poos are pretty much liquid do to the lack of eating but no blood. Unfortunately the little dude looks worse after being to the vet. I hated to take him because of the stress levels but I felt I had to to rule out things that could be treated with medications. Vet gave him a dose of pedialite and instructed me to keep administering that for a few days and see how he acts. I hate to say it, but I don't have really high hopes judging by the way he is acting. He was straight black in color when we got done at the vets. Now his eyes are twice as sunken and he will not hardly open them. This may have been all stress from the get go. I just don't know what to do, I think now is just a waiting game to see if he pulls through it but I'd say it's 50/50 at best. I will repeat this from my previous post. The only thing I did different between him and his sister was hold him everyday for 5 minutes for the first 2 weeks. I never held her for about a month. If anyone gets a new Cham DO NOT HOLD THEM FOR THE FIRST FEW WEEKS. This is a hard lesson learned for me, he seemed so friendly but that was no excuse for us to handle him before he got acclimated to his surroundings.
Not sure if any one is still following this but, took my little man to the vet today. Vet ruled out parasites yet again and impaction. We think he ingested something at some point, it irritated his bowel and caused the bleeding for one day. Now his poos are pretty much liquid do to the lack of eating but no blood. Unfortunately the little dude looks worse after being to the vet. I hated to take him because of the stress levels but I felt I had to to rule out things that could be treated with medications. Vet gave him a dose of pedialite and instructed me to keep administering that for a few days and see how he acts. I hate to say it, but I don't have really high hopes judging by the way he is acting. He was straight black in color when we got done at the vets. Now his eyes are twice as sunken and he will not hardly open them. This may have been all stress from the get go. I just don't know what to do, I think now is just a waiting game to see if he pulls through it but I'd say it's 50/50 at best. I will repeat this from my previous post. The only thing I did different between him and his sister was hold him everyday for 5 minutes for the first 2 weeks. I never held her for about a month. If anyone gets a new Cham DO NOT HOLD THEM FOR THE FIRST FEW WEEKS. This is a hard lesson learned for me, he seemed so friendly but that was no excuse for us to handle him before he got acclimated to his surroundings.

Don't be so hard on yourself. The little guy may make it yet. But either way, you are by far not the only one who has make a mistake or done something stupid. I can win prizes for some of the dumb thinks I have done with chams. We all have to learn. You can't be sure even if you lose him that is is stress from being held. There are just too many variables to know. Hope your guy makes it, let me know.
As a last resort you may have to force feed him with supplementated waxworks, or something that is really juicy and that will help with hydration.
As a last resort you may have to force feed him with supplementated waxworks, or something that is really juicy and that will help with hydration.

I am getting him to take in some pedialite, but I have to be honest, he may not make it through the night. It is insane how bad he got in such a short time. When I took him to the vet he looked a little ill, he looks like a skeleton now. In just 2 hours he got that bad.
I'm pulling for you and your little guy. Hopefully he will be less stressed from his vet visit when he wakes up tomorrow. Please keep us posted.
definitely rooting for you and hope everything works out well. Also don't be so hard on yourself, sometimes creatures get sick and you can't do anything about it.
Sorry to hear about how things are going, it sounded like he was getting better for a little bit...bummer. Don't give up hope. If you need to force feed you can also squeeze all the insides several crickets into a syringe and inject it into his mouth. Just take the plunger out of the syringe, isert the cricket back half into the back of the syringe and squeeze all the juicy insides into the syringe. Then put the plunger back in and feed the cham. You can mix the pedyalite with the "cricket smoothie" and give it at the same time to make sure he stays hydrated as well. Good luck man, hope everything turrns out well for you and the little guy.

Thanks everyone for your help and support. I just keep going through all the things in the cage and my actions trying to think where I went wrong. I keep thinking he got overstressed from the handling the first week, but I just can't believe he would get that bad that quick from the stress of handling. I misted him again before lights out. He seems to be eliciting a drink response so I made sure I got his head well misted I am sure plenty got into his mouth. I just fear he is shutting down and even the water will not do him any good. Starting to think this little guy just was not long for the world unfortunetly. Like bendecki said, sometimes creatures get sick and there is just nothing we can do. It could be a 100 different things beyond our understanding. Has anyone else lost a baby panther?

I am so sorry but don't give up!!! I almost did on my Nelson but he has made a great turn around. I bought reptaboost but it works the same a pedialyte. IMO I also bought the waxworms and Phoenix worms. Along with his crickets and his appetite is coming back so is his coloring. I took the advice of some kid at the pet shop to spray him all over cause it would help him with molting. Instead I think it stressed him to the point of not eating, his poops did the same as your guys did. They are just starting to get brown again. I do spray water in his mouth now before I was giving it all by syringe. Don't give up!!! He needs a lot of TLC

Where in Ohio are you?
I am so sorry but don't give up!!! I almost did on my Nelson but he has made a great turn around. I bought reptaboost but it works the same a pedialyte. IMO I also bought the waxworms and Phoenix worms. Along with his crickets and his appetite is coming back so is his coloring. I took the advice of some kid at the pet shop to spray him all over cause it would help him with molting. Instead I think it stressed him to the point of not eating, his poops did the same as your guys did. They are just starting to get brown again. I do spray water in his mouth now before I was giving it all by syringe. Don't give up!!! He needs a lot of TLC

Where in Ohio are you?

Thanks for your post. It gives me some more hope which I am slowly running out, unfortunately. As long as there is a breath in him I will not give up. How bad was your Cham? I'm seriously regretting taking him to the vet. I hate to say that, but i am taken aback by the transformation he had went through in mere hours do to the stress of examination. the the stress has wrecked him. I live in Newark Ohio by the way.
I again thank everyone for all there help and hope, but unfortunately little Loki died during the night. His tiny body just could not take it anymore. I'll never know what really happened to the little guy. I ruled out all possibilities that I could help and tried as hard as I could, but nothing worked. This was my first Male Panther and I was so excited to watch him grow and get his coloration....I am heartbroken but more angry than anything.
I am so sorry. If you are going to get another one I highly recommend the chameleon company. Look it up on google.
Sorry to hear ... I wish I was experienced enough to offer advice, but I'm still a novice.

What I can say is it looks like you did your very best, so don't guilt yourself too hard about his passing.
Thanks for the condolences everyone. Loki was just so lively when we first got him and everything just spiraled out of control so fast. The next panther I get will not be handled for a few weeks until he gets time to get used to me and his surroundings. I did the same thing with my female and she is great and healthy. Not so say that this is what killed him, I honestly suspect something environmental, but the initial stress I am sure did not help. Perhaps I did not wash his plant thoroughly enough = insecticide poisoning. I have read some articles detailing the proper cleaning of nursery plants and I have to say I did not go to that extent. I have read you should completely re-pot the plant in organic soil and rinse in a soapy bath 2-3 times before introducing it to the Chams enclosure. I only rinsed my plant one time in hot water but no soap and never re-potted. Again this may not even be the issue. I cleaned my females plant a few times as well but never with soap, and she turned out fine, though I have since cleaned it thoroughly in the past few months. I will just never know I guess. This happens with Chams it seems. I have read other threads where they just could not figure out what was going on and the Cham ended up passing.
Awe I am so deeply sorry to hear Loki passed away. I was so hopeful that things would turn around. Please know my heart goes out to you.
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