Baby Veiled Chameleon

Also, when i get the little guy, should i wait two weeks then start trying to hand feed. or could i start trying a few days after i get hi so he can adjust
Also, when i get the little guy, should i wait two weeks then start trying to hand feed. or could i start trying a few days after i get hi so he can adjust

I handle my babies from hatch so they are very friendly and can be handles right away. Big Breeders never handle there Chameleons so it will be a new experience for them.
I also have another question. I know people don't like to judge people based on things they say or similar topics. But do i seem...knowlegeble or know enough to own a chameleon. I don't want it to have a... suckey life i you know what i mean.

Respectfully, after following this thread for a while and reading your many questions, it does not sound like you are particularly knowledgable. In addition to the huge cost of transporting a chameleon across the border twice, some of your other basic questions are a little concerning to me. Transporting a chameleon that great a distance sounds like a very large and avoidable stressor in my opinion. At the very least, I think you should spend many more hours researching on these forums before you are ready to commit to this and all the high costs that come with.
Good to know, should i wait like a week to let them adjust, then try hand feeding with tweasersr/tongs
Ok, thank you for your honest opinion, I like hearing answers from people to know and have experienced with chams. Reading stuff online can be good, but its reassuring to hear it from experienced keepers
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