Baby veiled eating adult crickets

darius fratila

New Member
So my male baby veiled chameleon is about 3 months old and a little more than 3/4 the size of a dollar bill and today I threw in the usual small crickets(dusted of course) and one of my adult breeder females, he not only didn't seem interested in the small ones but hunted down the adult one with a passion, so I decided to throw in another one and lo and behold he went ham on it as well lol
He's more interested in the adult ones then he's ever been in the smells, I usually feed him wax and meal worms because he eats those consistently, so is it ok to feed him larges if he likes them?
He are 3 of the big ones and 5-6 smaller ones, and had no problem swallowing them even though they were nearly as big as his head, please advise, thanks guys:)
Rule of thumb with chams is never feed anything larger than the width of their heads. *EDIT- You can feed large praying mantis, katydids, moths, hornworms, silkworms, dubia's, etc but your cham has to be big enough to handle these insects. Probably around 7-8 months is when you can introduce large adult feeders.

Your cham can choke, but seeing it's a veiled he should be fine. Just stick with medium sized crickets. He'll eat a good 10-13 a day. Large adult crickets can get pretty big...

Waxworms, keep off those. They're nothing but fat and bad news. If you use them, use them as a treat. Maybe 1 a week or something, if your cham isn't eating any crickets it's because he's on a food strike with the waxworms.

Veileds also eat fruits so try feeding him some.

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