Back Massage


New Member
I was sitting out on my front porch this afternoon, holding my Chameleon, Carla in my hand. It became dark out and she got sleepy eyed. I moved her on to my knee, and with my pointer and middle finger, I rubbed either side of her dorsal crest from back of casque to the middle of her back. She fell asleep.


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yeea love that too :D:D
question is she pregnant ? she looks heavy to me

that is strange that she would fall asleep....I was thinking the same thing. She looks gravid from her size and coloring. Do you have a laying bin for her?
i wasn't pressing. i was just like dragging my fingers along her spine, and she got really sleepy (as it was getting very dark out anyway) and she just began to doze off. her breathing leveled to a steady breath, and her eyes shut.
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