Backdrop for my veiled? Good or bad?


New Member
Should I have some sort of bakdrop for my cham's house? I have a Repti breeze enclosure and don't want to interfear with the air flow but I'm not sure if the plain white wall behind it is detrimental to the well being of my cham psyche as it is with other reptiles and amphibians. I would like to staple some camoflage patterned bandanas to the wall behind her home which is about 2 inches from the wall so it shouldn't interfear with airflow but I would like some feedback from expierienced keepers on whether this is a good idea or not? :confused:
i dont see any problems with putting it up behind the cage, i actually covered up both sides and back of my old reptibreeze to keep the humidity up for my cham. I don't see this being an issue at all.
Visually I think you would find the camouflage very satisfying. I've used it for a divider between cages and it gives a very organic, jungle like look when seen through the cage. I don't know whether the animal would be stressed without it, but it certainly won't bother the chameleon to add it and might make the cage more pleasing to look at. One down side: it will be harder to find him!
Camo bandannas stapled to the back of the cage might be a bacterial risk. If your chameleon climbs on them and slips, that could result in torn nails, etc.

If you put it on the outside of the cage it will still need to dry out, you may want to try shower curtains.
From the original post:
staple some camoflage patterned bandanas to the wall behind her home which is about 2 inches from the wall so it shouldn't interfear with airflow

While I agree it will still get wet, the same would be true of the wall. It will dry.
Thanks for the help.

Thank you all for all your sugestions, they were all very helpful and i will put the bandanas up to help with look and humidity until I get some shower curtains from the dollar store and cut them to size and try that way also and see what looks and works better. Fiona (my female veiled) thanks:D you for the support. :)
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