Well, I checked on him through the camera from time to time the last few days and I still mostly see him on his basking branch. Sure, he‘s moving back and forth and changes direction on the branch, but all in all, he‘s practically just chillin there.So as long as your very highest branches are at that 20-22 cm. I have never raised one side so I do not know if that would effect the florescent bulb. But it is going to change how the reflector reacts depending on how angled up the fixture is. Might try to orient the fixture so that you have the distances you need but do not have to raise part of the fixture. This way the reflector is aiming the light directly down into the cage.
You should see an uptick in activity. The correct UVB directly impacts there energy and appetite.
At least yesterday he tried a new sleeping spot… on the enclosure door - that looked really silly
His appetite is still pretty good!
His coloring seems a bit brighter through out the day, but that could be because of the brighter lights.
Is it to early to tell a difference already? And could it be bad for him to receive the UV rays all the time, cause he‘s not hiding under leaves or anything.
Thanks again and have a great [insert time of day in your timezone],