So you have a little boy... Based on size I am betting somewhere in the 6-9 month range.Thanks for your reply!
Yeah, I was kinda scared about posting on reddit, because I have the MV bulb which is absolutly not recommended there, so I would have probably got a shitstorm from the mods there. Btw this forum and the people on here seem very friendly and helpful
I thought that the temps are a bit high, but it‘s strange that he was this dark color yesterday and the fact he is in his basking area most of the time. I actually already build something (like two pieces of wood screwed together to form an L) so I can raise the fixture up, but only recently got a good device to measure the temps and prior to that was thinking its not hot enough because of his behaviour - thats why i haven‘t installed it yet.
If I get the Arcadia T5 6% (plus fixture) will i get away without the solarmeter? It seems like a good choice to provide more light and have the UH cover more of the cage. I would also switch the MV to a regular heat bulb of course.
About the drinking - I saw him drink from the glass; or sometimes he will drink straight from the (makeshift) dripper. His urates is white-ish like, I guess, it should be. But I was actually thinking about a temp cover for some of the sides > firstly cause of the spraywater and secondly it‘s getting winter here so maybe for the temps.
Thank you all again for the friendly and welcoming feedback and tips.
I was going of of reddit because they seem to know what they are talking about, I also read a good bit from Bill Strand (I think is his name), but Georg is still my first reptile and I was trying to start somewhere.
Btw. i snapped more pics of him about half an hour ago and he looks way more natural than he was yesterday about the same time (7pm - usually i turn off the lights at 8pm)
If you can get the arcadia T5HO with the 6% bulb. Then yes I can give you your approximate distance to branch for the right UVI with a bit more info from you. And you would not have to purchase the solarmeter.
You want to try to get one that will go the width of the cage but if you can't just get whatever ProT5 with 6% you can. This form of UVB is going to be safer for him... MV bulbs can produce unstable temps and UVI levels. Typically the UVI is much much higher than a cham should be exposed to. Same with the heat.
And we are more than happy to help you with your chameleon journey.