Bad shape

i also think you should!

i hate it how people can let their chams get like that.

they money that he gets for them he will most likely buy another animal. get bored of it and it will get neglected again.. vicious cycle..
Ya well this will be second third or maybe fourth I already asked if they still have em I already saved on I'll change my profile pic and show y'all what the first one looked like when I first got it. I can't figure out how to post pics on my iPad or phone.
save them save them oh my or i will!!! kidding i wish i could. do what you can if you have the time and money!! obviously you have a big heart
If you can save all those chams, you are a better keeper than I am. The dark brown one doesn't look like he stands a chance. Best of luck.
I just saw that ad today:( it makes me sick a fellow texan could let chameleons get that way... I left that person a nasty email. And told them I will try and save them and take them off there hands but I am not paying for them....
They are in the shower in those pics, because they are WC being acclimated, (or they know they are in bad shape one way or another, and need the extra water). Either way, its just very shady, and the chams are going to be a lot of work.

These people, and pet shops should be boycotted as much as possible.

There are plenty of excellent breeders that have healthy animals available. If people would stop buying animals out of the back of a truck, people will stop trying to sell animals out of the back of a truck.
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