balls boas and birds

What would be an easy (relatively speaking) species of macaw to start with? I've always wanted one... I've only dealt with cockatiels..make that one cockatiel.. but some day I want to get a macaw, not just to have it, but to actually be able to train it and not just have it as a display.
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What would be an easy (relatively speaking) species of macaw to start with? I've always wanted one... I've only dealt with cockatoos..make that one cockatoo.. but some day I want to get a macaw, not just to have it, but to actually be able to train it and not just have it as a display.

In my experience b&g and greenwings are nicest but the size makes them not for a beginner. Iv read hyacinths are THE most gentile tame and cuddly. But really u gotta find a bird that chooses you. My fiance got lucky like that with her red lored amazon
So its gotta be some Avatar stuff right there, right? hahaha

On a serious note, how is the size part of how "easy" it is to care for the macaw and why does it make it not a beginner species?
So its gotta be some Avatar stuff right there, right? hahaha

On a serious note, how is the size part of how "easy" it is to care for the macaw and why does it make it not a beginner species?

The bigger the macaw the more damage it can cause people and property. And the louder it is. I think i once read a hyacinth can snap 8 gauge wire no prob. And the noise..... U have to get used to drowning out small bird noises before u can get used to a big macaw. Even if well trained it WILL squak when u dont want it to
The bigger the macaw the more damage it can cause people and property. And the louder it is. I think i once read a hyacinth can snap 8 gauge wire no prob. And the noise..... U have to get used to drowning out small bird noises before u can get used to a big macaw. Even if well trained it WILL squak when u dont want it to

Of course, that is expected. If we can't keep quiet, how how we expect an animal to do so? I'll have to spend more time with my gf's cockatiel then. haha.

How would you know the bird has chosen you?
Well for example........
My fiance adopted her amazon from the local dog pound. She brot it home and said that she was told its mean and tried to bite the shelter employee. She let me start out with it. At first it would squak and jump away when aproached. After w hile i could get it to reluctantly step up on my finger and only byte once. And it would even hang out on my shoulder. But it didnt wanna be there. Then when i left for work it escaped and charged my fiances feet out of aggression we assumed). She fled in a panic and called me at work. I told her how to make her step up. And from that moment on this bird has been up her butt. If i or anyone else aproaches they get a squak and a bite. But my fiance can do whatever she wants with this bird all day and it sceams bloody murder if my fiance sets it down and walks away.
Sounds like my gf's cockatiel.. She'll reluctantly get on my should only if my gf puts her there. If her mom tries to reach for her, she'll bite. If I try to take her off, she'll bite. But if my gf tries to get it, she'll get on her finger and go anywhere.
I've been reading some books and been doing some research for a few months now. Hopefully one day I'll be able to have a macaw. They are beautiful, and I bet they are a very rewarding animal to take care of:)
Oh god are they loud!!. There is one two blocks away and I hear that thing every single day.
get another cham.
they are quiet.
how about an eclectus parrot thats my dream bird i always wanted. two of my friends had one, one had a female and one had a male, i fell deeply in love with the male but i think they only take to one person too he always took to my friends dad. but he wasent loud or noisy if he wanted attention he would say "hello over here" haha it was cute.
how about an eclectus parrot thats my dream bird i always wanted. two of my friends had one, one had a female and one had a male, i fell deeply in love with the male but i think they only take to one person too he always took to my friends dad. but he wasent loud or noisy if he wanted attention he would say "hello over here" haha it was cute.

U stole the words right outta my mouth. A female solomon island eclectus is my second dream bird. They are very mellow quiet birds. They sit still and quiet for so long people ask if thats a real bird. The females are pretty but the males are a better companion overall. In the eckie relationship the female wears the pants and the male pampers her. Wich makes the females a lil more testy and males more submissive. They usually act that way with their humans too
Very nice birdman5000.
Other than my greenwing I do snakes as well.
I'm into Zonata's (tri colored California mountain kings).

Got any good menu tips you would care to share?
We supplement that expensive bag food seven ways to Sunday ;).

You know what's kinda funny though?
With all our critters my Cham really requires the most attention.
Darn sure more than the snakes anyways.
It's a slaves life I guess:)

Once again darn fine bird you got there.
Got any good menu tips you would care to share?
We supplement that expensive bag food seven ways to Sunday ;).
Once again darn fine bird you got there.

u talking bout bird food? i use the all natural zupreem and some occasional rainbow zupreem. and we feed them veggies and occasional peanuts, even tho i aint sposed to i know:eek: and basically table scraps of whatever we eat. i find bubba plays with his food and wastes at least half of it. but if he sees me eating something and i share my plate with him then he eats every crumb. of course gotta be carefull to avoid all avacado, sugars and salty food, and lil to no dairy.

another funny fact about bubba is he LOOOOVES lasagna! just like garfield, he will even attack me in an attempt to steal my lasagna, wich has too much cheese and acid, so i try to just let him have the pasta. which my vet says is too much empty carbs, but he loves it

sorry i talk so long
U stole the words right outta my mouth. A female solomon island eclectus is my second dream bird. They are very mellow quiet birds. They sit still and quiet for so long people ask if thats a real bird. The females are pretty but the males are a better companion overall. In the eckie relationship the female wears the pants and the male pampers her. Wich makes the females a lil more testy and males more submissive. They usually act that way with their humans too

Yay!!!! im glad im not the only one :) everyone always wants an african grey or something but i was like no my dream bird is the male eclectus and they look at me like im crazy!! haha do you know how their vocals are like are they pretty good talking birds?
Yay!!!! im glad im not the only one :) everyone always wants an african grey or something but i was like no my dream bird is the male eclectus and they look at me like im crazy!! haha do you know how their vocals are like are they pretty good talking birds?

not very good but they can talk, they are quiet mostly and their most anoying shreaks arent as bad as a cockatoo or large macaw or conure. a-z parrots has some very good articles on ekkies
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