Bee sting in the mouth!!!


New Member
Second Stinger OUT!!!


I've been dealing with what I though was guler edema in my female ambilobe for about a month now. I have spent over $400 in vet bills to get absolutely no "real" diagnosis.

Today I saw something on her tongue when she was "trying" to eat. I showed her a male (only way she'll gape), got her to stick out her tongue (won't divulge that one...not for the totally inexperienced) and pulled out a bee stinger!

She laid 34 infertile eggs a month ago so we've been looking at why females that lay infertile eggs sometimes get gular edema.

It was just clearing up when BAM she had big waddle guler. That's when I found the stinger.

Not taking her back to this vet. She has another one that's farther back on the tongue but I don't want to stress her out more. Gave her some Reptaid to help recuperate.

Anyone have this happen?
Anyone know of a decent cham vet between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles?

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Anyone know of a decent cham vet between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles?Debs

Never had that happen (thank goodness)! Amazing you could get the stinger out.

Why don't you call Dr. Greek's office and see if he can make a recommendation for a good vet in your area. His phone number is:

(714) 463-1190

Hope this helps.
got her to stick out her tongue (won't divulge that one...not for the totally inexperienced)


That sounded sh_tty. I'm sorry. :(

There's a bone in the tongue and I wouldn't want anybody to accidentally hurt or break it trying to follow something I posted.
I think you did the right thing withholding this information. Not everyone (myself included) is that experienced. The problem comes when they don't (or won't) realize the limits of that experience.

How would she have access to a bee?

Her laying bin is made of 1/4 inch coated hardware mesh and I made the mistake (although I didn't know it was one at the time) to put a flowering wax leaf privet as her plant. Needless to say she thought they looked appetizing.

She won't need the bin for a while but next time it will be a pothos and I'll keep her indoors. :eek:
Wow thats awful! cant u wait a day and pull the other one? It would stress me more to have it still in then have u pull it I think.
Wow thats awful! cant u wait a day and pull the other one? It would stress me more to have it still in then have u pull it I think.

Yeah, it's been weighing heavy on me. I'll wait until she has some food and is hydrated and try this afternoon. She seems to be doing well though. She's a trooper.
I hope that in the end all works out OK.

wow, not just one, but two bee stingers on her tongue!
good looking out for her.

I could only imagine how uncomfortable that would be. Two bee stingers in the tongue. Yikes. Well I'm glad you got one out safely, hope you can get the other one out by yourself or with a vet.
Woo Hoo, We got the second stinger out! And as far as I can tell that was the last one. Here's a pic of the stinger. I didn't have the camera out to show you her tongue...don't think I could have held the tweezers, her and the camera :)


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OMG i bet that hurt....thank god I saw my cham trying to shot a wasp the other day and I misted him before he shot at it!
I know its a bit different, but my dog got stung in the mouth by a bee. We had to rush him to emergency since it was 10:30 at night his face swelled up like a balloon (now imagine a boxer with a ballooned face! :eek:) He was drooling everywhere and was snorting cause he was so swollen and could barely breath.
Did the chams tongue swell as well? Or did it just take on the gular look and that's it?? That is so crazy to me to think she had 2 stingers and did not puff up like a balloon. Perhaps lizards have some sort of mild immunity to stingers...:confused:
I am so glad you managed to get them out!
It looked like vermiculite in her tongue (I thought is was dirt because she hadn't been around was shiny dirt). I got worried with it didn't wipe off. So I plucked it off...but off turned to out..I found a bee stinger between my fingernails! Since the second one was farther back on the tongue I used tweezers and a male chameleon, she didn't what to be more mad at :)

She presented with swelling in her gular area, under her arm pits and above her shoulders. I kept throwing ideas at the doc like hypervitamintosis..but my how I feed supplements didn't fit that criteria. Her blood work came back okay. Then we looked at the theory of her just having a clutch of infertile eggs but he couldn't find any medical data on that one. I just hope this was the problem.
I would let the vet know, maybe next time he will look for the unobivious problem and maybe help another one.
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