my veiled chameleon henry is 6 months old. He was being handled 3 times a week for cage cleaning and he had a linear uvb bulb and a basking lamp on top of his cage, he is fed about 12 to 18 medium crickets a day, sometimes a little less.problem- he used to hold the beautiful emerald green color all day even when he was sleeping but now during the day he is a browny dark color and has dark lines all over him,, he doesn't seemed stressed until I go to handle him which I understand some don't like to be handled but as of he used to not mind it and now he will flare up and try to attack me, which is quite impressive but scary. He also went from staying in his vines and tree to now hanging from the roof upside down,and also tries to poke his head through the cage top and . Hrs hangs up there all day and now sleep on the roof of his cage, I'm worried about him so any help would be greatly appreciated