best beginner


New Member
Hey yall I'm new to the forum and I'm interested in what u all think is the best starter chameleon I currently own 7 ball pythons and now want a chameleon I'm gonna do a lot of research first before making my decision thanks and hope to learn a lot from my fellow reptile lovers
Welcome to the forum!

A veiled or panther are both great options. I personally started off with a Jackson's, which are considered "harder" but they just have slightly different requirements. I have both panthers and veileds and I take care of both species just about the same way so I would pick which ever one you like best/can affort (panthers are quite a bit more expensive).
I would agree. Jus go with what you want. I dont think there is a "beginner" chameleon. Just do your research and u will be fine. We are all here to help
welcome to the forum and olipmia panther and veiled are good hardy guyand girls but just do your reasearch and find the right kind for you and remember all chams are individuals and have their own habits so one might not be like the norm of their species

we are here to help just ask
Welcome to the forum! I have panthers and a veiled and my veiled hates me lol. She is eight months old and just turned on me a couple of months ago. I later heard that veileds can become quite aggressive. My panthers are so docile and friendly. But that is just my opinion and experience. Have fun on your quest!
ok thanks everyone and im thinking either veiled or panther now only thing is im looking at life span so i might go with the less exciting colored but longer living veiled. does anyone know of a good reputable breeder in the Arizona or anywhere in the southwest???thanks again
I find veileds to be pretty resilient and good cham for beginners.I would get what I wanted though to make it easier in the long run.

btw my veiled is nicer attitude wise then my panthers.
Check out the sponsors and classifieds; there are several good breeders in the southwest. Depending on where in Arizona you are and/or how much you enjoy driving, you might consider the Las Vegas Reptile Expo this weekend.
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