Best plant for veiled Cham


New Member
What is the best leaf plant for a veiled Cham to eat? Had a veiled about 15 years ago and daughter just got one for the grandson. Today I went and got a plastic plant with broadleaves for water to drip on so he could drink, and he immediately tried to eat the leaves. So I'm presuming he's wanting some leaves. Also I read they like buds so which budding, leafy plant do you suggest? This sights awesome, wish I would have had something like this back then!
Pothos is fantastic. Ender and Peter both eat the heck out of their Coleus plants as well, so I think they like them
One vote for each. Go with both. One is a vine and one is a flowering plant. If you go with the 24"x24"x48" cage you will have plenty of room.:D
Personally, I would grow a pot of live hibiscus in the enclosure, because it offers a hide, a natural dripping system, and nutrients if your cham decides to snack on them. just make sure your plant of choice is unharmful to your reptile.;););)
I mentioned that we use hibiscus in all our enclosures, I feel I need to elaborate so you can make the best choice, we rotate our hibiscus plants from our outside to our inside enclosure regularly. This allows is to clean the plants as well as allow them to get direct sunlight. If your going to keep hibiscus as and inside only enclosure your going to have to consider special lighting. I think junglefries, (correct me if I'm wrong junglefries) mentioned this lighting in another thread.
My cham loves ficus. He eats the heck out of it when it's in his terrarium. Right now he has a pothos in there. He likes to hide under the leaves, but he doesn't ever eat them. Apparently he's a ficus snob and won't eat any other leaves. Lol
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