Best to dust with????


New Member
Whats the best supliment to dust with that has everything to keep my chameleon healthy an is there a way of keeping locusts an worms in like a pot or something to put in the viv but so the locusts cant get out and escape through the vents???
I use the following:

Komodo cricket dust (calcium only) at every feed.

Repashy calci plus twice a week (calcium with d3 and multi vit) but Simba is only getting artificial UVB and isn't getting any real sunshine with the weather being the way it is in the Uk as u know lol. In the summer, when he can hopefully get outside for some real UVB, I'll reduce this to once per week.

Preformed Vit a drop -1 x TINY drop from human grade vit a capsule twice a month on the back of 1 feeder.

I also gutload all feeders well.

Hope that helps
Ok it kind of helps but ive never heard of them things lol is there not just one thing i can buy??? Or is it a few sldifrent things on difrent days is the uv bullb not good enough then il have to introduce real sunlight when i can?
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