Best way to feed worms?


New Member
Currently I have a cut half gallon milk jug with some screening affixed to the sides for my feeding container so the crickets and what not can climb around. I hand feed my cham worms most of the time if she actually wants them. Is there an effective way to display worms in a cage that they'll actually want to eat them? I put some in the bottom of my milk jug feeder container in case she runs out of crickets but that doesn't seem to be the best method since most worms don't move a whole lot.
I use cups that are dark in color. I wire tire them to the cage. shallow containers work well too and wire tie them to the cage.
About how high up? She has one branch near her lights that she likes to hang around, should I put it somewhere near there?
I use bird food dishes to hang mine in thereand they are dark purple so that worms dont blend in and I have them in the upper part near the basking spot where all the vines go back and forth! what kind of worms do you feed??
Awesome, sounds good. I have all these different worms that she never really gets to eat unless I hand feed them to her. I think she's a little spoiled.
hope it helps!! I have one that I cant get to eat crickets she only wants pheonix worms and my other only eats them after theres no more crickets in there :) i got the dishes at petsmart it was a two pack in bird section but any petstore that has bird stuff will have them they just work well because they have the hooks on them :)
I just cleaned out one of my old worm cups and zip tied that to the side of the cage.

I feed her crickets mostly and I have wax worms I'm going to try, butterworms, meals here and there and the occasional superworm. I tried silkworms but they're so high maintenance I don't really think that it was worth it and she only ate them for a couple days before becoming disinterested in them.
I found a little table and chair that's suspended from a branch. I use some dollhouse silverware and a napkin as a table cover. He really seems to like dining in now.
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