Established Member
I just wanted to put a thread out there about the dangers of buying homemade cages that you didnt build. I bought 2 cages last year for 75 bucks. On was used as a chameleon cage the other one was used for a bearded dragon. I sold the bearded dragon one last summer and put Calliope in the other one around Oct/Nov. I have been supplementing with the normal schedule for both my chameleons. Levi is in a regular 24x24x48 and is healthy as ever. Mar of 2012 I went to the vet and she noticed that her limbs were slightly curved and diagnosed her with MBD. She started failing from there. When I got home from the vets I kept thinking to myself, How could this happen. I had taken every precaution for this and now i feel absolutley Horrible. I looked at the differences in both of thier cages and the only difference was the cage itself. It was untreated wood with a dark screen. The bottom was plexiglass. I promptly bought a cage from LLL reptile and it showed up and i set it up about a week later, since then she has gone down hill. I have been giving her calcium drops for about 2 weeks. I called my vet and explained what was goin on and she said that I should just keep giving her the drops with an antibiotic I had left over from seeing her in March. Since then she has stopped eatting so the vet gave me a different antibiotic and some critical care food to syringe feed her. I have done that for the last two days but since yesterday she has gone REALLY down hill. She is really weak and dark. Shes falling alot and I'm not sure what else there is to do. Since feeding her the food yesterday she is showing signs of distressed breathing. I think its the end for my sweet girl. I just don't want her to suffer anymore.