Big Secret!!


New Member
So Im wondering what the big secret is to get your cham to eat out of your hand!! I STILL have not seen ester eat........BUT when I mist him he comes up to the screen and opens his mouth for me to spray it inside!! HAHAHA :DI love it!!:rolleyes:

He is to great by the way. His stomach is nice and plump and his skin isnt loose anymore and he has great looking poop!!:D
He started to shed this morning on his arm pits and his tail.
Offer him something really wiggly that doesn't move particularly fast! My guy will always take any kind of worm I offer from hand as they move around a lot but don't get anywhere particularly quickly! Waxworms are definitely my guys favourite!
Im waiting for some worms in the mail.................All I have right now are supers...........And for some strange reason they complaetly gross me out. I always feel like they are going to bite me:eek:

Im sure that it wont, but everytime I try and hold one as soon as they do the weird back bend thing to grab onto my finger i get a wammy and drop the poor thing!!
Ha, that'll definitely be a problem as you may have to hold them for a while before your cham will actually take them! :p

I have pachnoda grubs and they nip me all the time! It's very satisfying when they get munched! ha ha ha
hmmmmmmmm.....Maybe Ill think about them getting eaten and I wont be so freaked out.....Im not EVER scared of bugs I dont know what it is about the supers that gives me the hebe jebes!!
i'm pretty sure I had a super bite me so your fears are justified. I hate them as well. I use a long pair of tweezers I got from petsmart
I cup-feed supers, and I make sure to use the longest pair of tweezers possible to get them in the cup. And it might just be me but my veiled always goes for the head of the bug when he shoots his tongue. It's like he knows they bite:D
You guys are WHIMPS:p Hahahaha. JK JK:) They do pinch a little but its not that bad. I wasnt too big on roaches at first though. Now I can let them crawl all over me:D
me cham used to eat worms out of my hand and for some strange reason i have bought crickets without one leg so they cant hop so i put that on my hand and she eats them
I cup-feed supers, and I make sure to use the longest pair of tweezers possible to get them in the cup. And it might just be me but my veiled always goes for the head of the bug when he shoots his tongue. It's like he knows they bite:D

Me too! Have you seen those jaws?! Lily always shoots at their heads too! Cham's sure ain't daft! ;)
I put things on the tip of my right index finger (things he can shoot and grab. not banana or apple) and twitch the tip of my finger like a mini come here motion. It took a long time and lots of patience to get him to trust me. Now he eats jut about anything I put on my finger. Except lime :)

I have a video Ill post here tonight if im not feeling lazy. shows me finger feeding my Veiled
Im waiting for some worms in the mail.................All I have right now are supers...........And for some strange reason they complaetly gross me out. I always feel like they are going to bite me:eek:

Im sure that it wont, but everytime I try and hold one as soon as they do the weird back bend thing to grab onto my finger i get a wammy and drop the poor thing!!

Me too every time I hold one their little mandibles try to get me.
Do superworms actually bite that hard? I get bitten all the time and it never really hurts. In fact just yesterday I got a crazy one who treated me like I just insulted his mother (and in fact I may have just fed her to my chameleon haha) and I definitely felt the nip, but I wouldn't say it hurt. Maybe I have rough hands?
I had superworm bite me once. When it did it, it shocked me because I didn't expect it, so I yanked back and it was still hanging on the tip of my finger. Lol! I was actually just playing with one. :p
lol they bite me daily, but its cool cause my bearded dragon could pack down like 100 in a day, but for an over dose on chitin levels ill have to spare a few, but they are nasty buggers, i hate them too, but my cham loves freshly sheeded white one....mmmmgood, scaly toe licking goodness.
No, it is not a necessity to get them to eat from your hand, but Codi asked -how- other people do it. And that was what I was responding to.

Personally, I do it because he will not eat non moving objects from his bowl, and he loves his veggies and fruit, and he was making a ton of noise tearing off pieces of Kale, so I thought I would try.
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