Bit worried now

Is that all? I am clearly doing too much then. My boys urate was getting a little yellow so I uped it a lot to try to get him to drink. I have notices the last few days with the 10 min spray he goes up to the nozzle and just sits there for the duration. Should I change it to something like yours?

It's up to you matey. The only reason I have mine for short bursts is that I have 2 nozzles into my females glass vivs at don't have drainage.

I have a dripper on my males cage so that he can drink from that when he needs to as well.
I have mine on the outside so he can still climb the mesh. I have pretty much the same but kept the white plastic bottom which has a sink drain in it. The plant weigh it down to take water out. I'm building a carbonate this weekend just to hide everything
I know he is drinking a fair amout with the timings I have so might leave it for a bit. I was watching him this morning and he sits under it sort of rolling his tongue as the drops run all over his face. It does saturate the cage but after about 30mins the top half is dry and then well before the next spay the bottom is dry
I know he is drinking a fair amout with the timings I have so might leave it for a bit. I was watching him this morning and he sits under it sort of rolling his tongue as the drops run all over his face. It does saturate the cage but after about 30mins the top half is dry and then well before the next spay the bottom is dry. What time does you lights come on then if you spay at 7:30?
My lights come on a 7.30 am, then the mister kicks in at 7.35.

If I didnt have the glass viv, and my two girls in cages, id have the mister on for a couple of minutes each time, but thats why I have the dripper. If you have good drainage then I wouldnt worry about having longer mistings, keep it at what is working for you if he is drinking. Mine is a fussy bugger and even with the 3 mists a day and the dripper his urates still come out orange. but he is getting better. he has recentkly been with a female so they can go a bit funny with food/water.

As for feeding, mine became very sexually mature at around 4.5 months so started to only eat as when it suited him which can sometimes be a bit worrying, but its just nature, I gave him a full selection and he just ate when he wanted. he has still grown over the past 1.5 months since he started being picky, so im not worried any more.
He has started eating every other day and will eat 3-4 crickets at a time. large crickets might I add.

My female was digging a tunnel as I left this morning so hoping she will be a bit thinner when i get in and will have deposited a couple of eggs. : )
When they turn dark its either because they are angry or soaking up heat. He looks like he is soaking up heat no angry but my little ones lean away from us like that because there not used to human contact. So give him time it took my first two about 3 weeks to get used to things also if there is glass in the cage he could be starring at himself and get angry and stressed
So this was him just a moment ago

As for the polycarbonate it's not reflective like glass can be but I'm thinking that maybe because it blurs things out that it could be that. I'm going to get some plastic paint this weekend and paint it dark green or black and see if that helps at all. Other than doing that and changing the bulb to a 6% I really don't know what to do. The last option would be to free range him permanently as when he comes out he goes back to his green and blue colours.

He isn't eating much now either maybe 2-3 insects a day.

Every 2 weeks I use calcium plus so should I change that to calcium with d3 and then the multi vit at 2 week intervals?

Could it also be that he doesn't like the mistking? he does sit under it now but that's not to say he can't be assed to move

I also found out that it's the T8 system in using so would changing to the 6% be suitable?
The other half said that today his bum was sort of bulged out almost like when he has a poo but she said he was like it for a while. She watched him an he didn't poo or anything. He was out when I got home from work sat on if bush in his normal bright colours!

This is a right pain in the *** man!!!!
So I moved the thermometer to about 2ft from the basking area and it reads 69 that's too low isn't it? I can't seem to get the temps up. Should I go with something like a 100w (currently 75w) is there any other way of not loosing heat out the top? like I said all 3 sides are covered bar the front an top
Yeah there is loads of places he can go and hide. No the mister only goes of 5 times a day, last one being at 5pm

This is him now under his basking spot

I think that your basking spot is too far from your bulb. and if your thermometer is only reading 69 i would get him a little closer. when my baby was not getting enough heat he would turn alot on his sides and turn really dark until i realized his branches needed to be up higher. Good Luck
something else that i would think about... is that if your basking spot is already not hot enough, and your mistking is spraying that much.. the poor guy is probably super duper cold.
The basking spot is what it's meant to be but that's because I have moved the branches up to about 4" from the top of te mesh.
So I got a little water heater for the mist king to see if that makes any difference too. What temp should I set it to? It can go from 61-93, I see some heat and some don't. I strapped a new digital thermometer to the basking area and it reads 94.8. I know this is not the best way to test it but when I hold my gun on the area it reads 75-80 and when I turn the lazer off it shoots up to 85-90 what am I doing wrong?

Like I said the other stat is 2ft from the bulb and it now reads 71.8 when I checks a second ago.
Do chameleons show any other signs of stress and not happy or is it only by colour change? because he seems chille out led on his basking spot.

One thing it have notices is his scales along his back are a shade of grey almost like a shed colour but it's sort of dotted all over and along the raised parts or his head and face. He is spending a large amout of time on the basking spot which is also something I have notices over the weekend as I was off work.

I went and got a 150w bulb to try and get the temps up and now the temp 2ft from the bulb is 76-78 the basking has gone up to 90ish. Will they move if its too hot? and what temp is likely to burn?

Is it ok to turn the uvb off for a day or 2 to see if there is any change with just heat? That way it clearly suggests it's the uvb
So another week goes by and there is still no change! He is now starting a shed which normally takes a few hours but this one started yesterday morning and it's not come off yet! One thing I guess though is he must be growing and eating in order to shed
If you only have the basking site at 4-6" under the screen then he will be too close to the uv assuming that the tube is also close to the branch?

Chams can get sunburnt if too close to the uv source. This may also contribute to the shed, although a day or two to shed isn't really out of the Norma. As Chams get older they will have partial sheds instead of shedding completely in one go. My male has already started doing this and he is 7 months old.

Are you using the 10% still?

Maybe change to a 6% T5 system? Swell reptiles do a rainforest canopy by arcadia that has the 6% included. But place the uv source away from the basking site so that the cham can bask without being exposed to the uv, but can still access the UV if it wants to.
Yeah I am still using the 12% t8

I have got the 6% on order in the T5 with the canopy as that's cheaper than getting it all seperate. The basking light has been moved up now and holds a steady 92-95 on the digital thermostat that's strapped to the basking site. The resin I did this is because I think my gun may be broken.

I would say the uv is about 5" from the basking as I thought you needed to have it there? I will move it to a much lower vine (8-10") nearer the from when I pick the unit up tomorrow. I'm also going to get a 2.0 6500k plant light to go in the T8 system to help with light and the plants.

Where do you suggest having that? Next to the canopy or in the middle but not directly above te basking site?

He is still black but is moving and drinking. I have been spaying with quite warm water since he started shedding and he comes to the front of the cage and drinks from the bottle lol! he doesn't eat a lot though like maybe 2-3 insects a day or every other day.

We are moving his cage tomorrow too as he is next to the window that has a net curtain on it so that there isn't any drafts etc. see if that helps. I haven't blacked out the polycarbonate yet as I haven't got chance to get it.

One thing I have notices is that when he was younger he would always have one eye on me and the other looking about but now when I'm in the cage cleaning etc he is always looking and checking everything but me unless I make sudden movements etc. do you think that's because he can see a blurred reflection of himself in the polycarbonate?
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