Bitten by a superworm!

WTF???? They're insane biting monsters? I bought my first superworms today and was appalled at their size. I guess I just thought "superworm" was to distinguish them from non nutritional non genetically altered worms....They are f'n huge and while I think my little chameleons can handle them on a size basis, if there is biting happening, I don't know if I want them to have to deal with that.
I've had them try and latch onto me before and I've even had them crawl around my hand but to say bitten would be inaccurate.

They're claw type things around their mouth are pretty hardy/strong but that shouldn't be confused with being bitten.

I would never bother vandalising an insect as anything with biting potential I either make sure gets eaten immediately and/or put it somewhere where it has no chance of biting anything.

No red mark. It was more like a strong grab with the mouth parts than a bite.

So not an actual bite then?
I still think this is some huge ongoing April fools joke, as I've always delt with superworms off and on for years and never gotten bit.
heck, I feed at least 3 or 4 supers a week to Splat alone.

tell me, can this realy happen?

watch, I'm gona get bit today beccause I opened my mouth. :p

Today, a radioactive superworm found me reading this thread and bit me. Now I keep molting. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
Am I not getting enough Vit A?

I've been craving oats if that helps any. :rolleyes:
Ahaha! I know how you all feel who haven't gotten bitten yet. This as the first time in eight or nine years that it's happened! I only crush the mouth for smaller reptiles (my babies :))

Okay, if something latches onto my hand with it's teeth (or whatever you want to call them) meaning to inflict pain (which I'm assuming it was) I call it a bite, but they just didn't happn to break skin or anything. Maybe I damaged one side when I tried to smash the mandables or something.

Either way, it bit me! I also got bitten by a hornworm yesterday! I didn't think it was big enough to bite, but it did!!!

Bugs just hate me :(
Well, I figured i would just bring this one up instead of making a new one. Today I was bitten again, but this time it hurt. It left a red mark and small wound that kind of looks similar to a spider bite (minus the swelling) on my thumb but it doesn't show up in my pictures...
Haha this happenned to me the other day. I was trying to hand feed and all of a sudden the worm bit me. I was shocked and it didn't feel good so I flailed my hand a bit to get it off, but it bit so hard it just held on for the ride!

I finally got it off and Kamish made him pay :)
I just got bit yesterday jaja!!! didnt hurt but was very surprised when the worm bit me. :eek: They just know when its their turn to get gobbled up they get all crazy and wiggly.
I haven't been bitten, but i have witnessed one bite my leopard gecko when he tried to eat it. My leopard gecko just licked his lips for a while and shunned away from the superworm. This was the first time I have ever seen him refuse food, he has always eaten ANY insect offered. After a few days I offered another superworm and he ate it enthusiastically. They can bite, but I don't think it can do any real damage.

With chameleons, I wouldn't bother crushing their jaws; chameleons instinctively aim for the head and I have witnessed them nearly every time adjust the insect in their mouth to crush their head in the first bite to kill them as quickly as possible.

I'm getting ready to feed my Chams some Superworms, when I started reading all this stuff about the Superworms bitting, but then relaxed when I read about the Chams being able to handle them, I did try feeding another kind of worm to them before but they were not interested, even after not feeding them for a few days. But as I said I am getting ready to try again with the superworms. I am new to this forum and I am loving all the info.
Definitely the jaws, I had to pull them off after I freaked out for a little bit. The legs have a whole different feeling.
When Im gently handling superworms they are usually never hostile. I've tried holding a superworm with some pressure to see if it would bite after reading about it, and the thing actually bit me, but the only area I felt anything was around my nail cuticle.
One bit our veiled today, whipped around and latched on to his cheek before he pulled it into his mouth. No visible mark and he seems okay, does worry me that it could have been worse because it wasn't that far from his eye.
Who has ever been bitten by a superworm? I usually crush the jaws of my superworms before they're fed off (even if they do oozed a gross liquid :() But I guess I missed the jaws today and it swung back and bit me. Didn't really hurt but it was hard to pull off, for what I'd expect from a worm/larva anyways.

Definitely going to be more careful about crushing their jaws, wouldn't want my chameleon's eye turrets bitten or anything.

Who has ever been bitten by a superworm?
When I lived in Hawaii it was super common to get bit by giant centipedes! They pretty much look like superworms x 1000. Lmao. They leave huge red bumps but nothing serious and it goes away pretty quickly. But they do hurt, and it's gross!! Lol.
One bit our veiled today, whipped around and latched on to his cheek before he pulled it into his mouth. No visible mark and he seems okay, does worry me that it could have been worse because it wasn't that far from his eye.
That possibly happened to my little Carly. Not sure.... She has some damage though.
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