Black stripes/ dots


New Member
Hey guys.
So I just got a veiled chameleon about two weeks ago. They told me he’s about 1-2 months. I’ve noticed that there’s certain times where he gets black stripes on his sides. At first I didn’t think anything of it because they go away after a little and he looks lime green again. But then today right around the time I start turning off his lights for the night he got those stripes again and this time they were DARK black and he had them everywhereee. From his sides, to his back, to his eyes. He even had black lil dots in between. I’ve never seen him get like that so it scared me. After a couple minutes I checked on him again and he turned completely lime green again after he fell asleep. Does anyone know if this is normal or should I be worried? I posted pictures I screenshoted from a video I took. Thank you for any advice!


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Thank you! So I got my chameleon kit from petco. It came with a tropical uvb and heat lightning kit. I attached a photo of how it looks. His cage also includes fake and real plants, a thermometer and different hanging vine for him to walk around on. I spray him 3 times a day at least due to not having an automatic mister yet and I always make sure he's not going below 65 and the cage usually stays about 80-84 degrees. I tried feeding him meal worms when I first got him because that's what they were always feeding them at the pet store but he didn't attempt to try them at all. The next day I went and got crickets and he ate them right away but now two weeks later, it seems as if he's not eating again. He also shedded all over his body and I read that could be causing the appetite loss and stress. If you think there's anything else please let me know.


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Hi ok ,so the lights will need upgrading, I cant make out what the box is in the picture what uv do you have ? Do you have a light like this ?


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Sorry let me use some other ones. Let me know if these are better for you to see.


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You need a better UV light, the chameleon kit does not have the correct lighting in it. The REPTISUN T5 HO light might be the easiest to find. But there are other uv lights to use.
Sorry let me use some other ones. Let me know if these are better for you to see.
Yeah hi the compact coil bulb in that fixture unfortunately doesn't provide enough uvb you have 2 options the one I linked above an arcadia t5ho 6% or a zoomed t5 ho 5% , this is very important for your baby to grow properly have strong bones and and and to be able to process supplements also as yeman are plant munchers is best to have all real plants ( which are yeman safe) if you have a look on chameleon academy you can see what to look for . Lots of plants will give help with humidity but more importantly they will give your little guy plenty of places to hide and feel safe , also to make the most of your repti breeze space adding lots of branches to create lots of little chameleon highways. May I ask what supplements you have. Thanks
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