
so my Cham has been doing good but he's been kinda weird lately, just went through a shedding. I came home to feed him same time as always but when I got home he climbed to the of his cage right below the light hood, not surprising due to his weird obsession with climbing on his branches upside down. But like always I used a horn worm to lure him down and had my other hand ready to catch in case he fell. He bloated up and let out a hiss which was more adorable the shocking but after he climbed down he refused to eat the worm and hid so I stepped away from the cage and he sat under his basking lamp and bloated himself up. Is that a normal behavior or should I be concerned?
could you post a picture? It could be him being grumpy or spreading out so there is more surface area and he gets warmer faster
He isn't doing it now he's back to normal size but I wasn't sure if they blow their body up while basking or if it this should be a concern
They will inflate themselves as part of a threat display and also to cushion themselves if they fall. While basking they can flatten themselves to expose more skin area to the heat.
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