Bobs new cage


New Member
Well its not really new as it housed a carpet python but its new to Bob and bigger with his own christmas tree's (fake not real) he loves to sit on them at night and watch out the tank! :D




Hope you like as much as bob does xD
Uhhhhhh........... Why would u run the uvb bulb along the side of the cage, and i see u have a cage over the basking bulb but I think it would help to lower the foliage and sticks away from it a bit.
ubv bulb side of cage = too big to go to ceiling and im waiting to get one that can fit properly so it wont be there long :) as its been ordered :)

and putting the guard on allows more room and even still he would still get to it
Id be very careful of the fake Christmas trees as the plastic pines/leaves come off really easily and could be swallowed by your cham, and veileds love to chomp plants. You really should move the uvb bulb near to the basking spot to make sure hes getting enough rays.
Bob's never touched plants at all not real or fake ones, he usually climbs on them to pull them down so he doesnt have them, and the UV wont be like that for long and infact he spends more time in the half with the UV then with the basking bulb
I noticed you have a glass enclosure. Are you aware that UVB does not penetrate glass? So you cham is getting no uvb or very very little. So having that bulb there does nothing but provide light to the cage. Maybe you know this already, but it really wouldn't make sense if you did.
I noticed you have a glass enclosure. Are you aware that UVB does not penetrate glass? So you cham is getting no uvb or very very little. So having that bulb there does nothing but provide light to the cage. Maybe you know this already, but it really wouldn't make sense if you did.

In addition to what Carol stated, you also have a male Veiled Chameleon, which tend to be the most temperamental. Your glass enclosure will stress him out because of he'll be able to see his reflection on the class. Also, if all sides are glass, the air inside will become stagnant and there will be a significant increase in possible illness due to bacteria.

Looks great, but should give the glass a second thought and put the chameleon's health before how aesthetically pleasing your enclosure seems to you.
Please search
Chris Anderson's article about glass enclosures. Yours is incredible, I wish I was your Cham, you put the rest of us to shame. LOVE it!
It is to my understanding that many in the UK (and I believe a lot of Europe) use glass because of their ambient temperatures year round compared to the US. We might want to take into consideration the OPs physical location.
I noticed you have a glass enclosure. Are you aware that UVB does not penetrate glass? So you cham is getting no uvb or very very little. So having that bulb there does nothing but provide light to the cage. Maybe you know this already, but it really wouldn't make sense if you did.

If you look close enough im pretty certain the uv light is inside the cage..
It is to my understanding that many in the UK (and I believe a lot of Europe) use glass because of their ambient temperatures year round compared to the US. We might want to take into consideration the OPs physical location.

Yes a lot of people in the UK use glass exo terra tanks without any problems. My first cham lived in a glass tank till she was around 8-9 months old and she was perfectly healthy living in it and never got stressed from seeing her reflection. The only reason i moved her into an all screen 1 was because i couldn't get a large enough glass one. She's now free ranged.. If you check the temps and keep a close eye on them i honestly don't see a problem with using them. Its a lot colder over here..

I think Andy is doing a great job with bob, remember this is the kid who's female chameleon lived till she was nearly 9. :D So he must be doing something right.. :D:D
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