Bought another male or female?

Everyone that've asked said it was a female so I went and got another one they told me it was a male could any one verify that it is in fact a male and what locale it is?


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    73.4 KB · Views: 191
When they are young the males sometimes do not develop the bulge in their tails until later. I do think it is a male though by the shape of the tail. The females tails are thinner and there is a slight indent after the vent. There is no way to tell the locale right now with that coloring. You will have to wait until he begins to color up and then you can usually get an idea. Where are you buying these from that they do not know what locale or sex they are?? You are not housing them together right?
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When they are young the males sometimes do not develop the bulge in their tails until later. I do think it is a male though by the shape of the tail. The females tails are thinner and there is a slight indent after the vent. There is no way to tell the locale right now with that coloring. You will have to wait until he begins to color up and then you can usually get an idea. Where are you buying these from that they do not know what locale or sex they are?? You are not housing them together right?

Thank you so much for replying. No they deff won't be in the same enclosure. They both will be by themselves. I just want a male and a female. I enjoy watching the way they both grow. I bought him at petco. They had no idea literally what they were talking about when I ask info on him and to see the sex they had one women that kinda knew and said she thinks this one was a male.
No problem! Petco and Petsmart are notorious for selling chameleons that they know nothing about. Therefore selling the wrong lighting, caging, etc. The petco by me was selling Veilds and I gave them in lesson in how to sex them. They all had no idea, but they were grateful to learn. They can be housed together as babies and up to about 3 months old and then they really need to be separated. I am glad you are keeping them apart.
No problem! Petco and Petsmart are notorious for selling chameleons that they know nothing about. Therefore selling the wrong lighting, caging, etc. The petco by me was selling Veilds and I gave them in lesson in how to sex them. They all had no idea, but they were grateful to learn. They can be housed together as babies and up to about 3 months old and then they really need to be separated. I am glad you are keeping them apart.

Yea I've been reading up on Panther chameleons for about three years now just so I can be ready and know exactly what I need and they're needs and what I need to do for them to be healthy. I waited until I knew I was ready to get them. I almost got a veiled before the Panther but the Panther chameleons are just gorgeous to me I love the colors and the different locales. Here's another pic of him as well his colors a little diff in this pic.


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    69.5 KB · Views: 146
From that picture it is hard to tell if he is a male or not. The tail really needs to be straight out. From the other picture, I still say male. You cannot tell my colors at this age.
From that picture it is hard to tell if he is a male or not. The tail really needs to be straight out. From the other picture, I still say male. You cannot tell my colors at this age.

I'm sending better pics on here of my chameleon i can only send one at a time. I was wondering if with it this close if maybe you could see better to sex?


  • image.jpg
    70.9 KB · Views: 123
From that picture it is hard to tell if he is a male or not. The tail really needs to be straight out. From the other picture, I still say male. You cannot tell my colors at this age.

Here's another and I'm gonna send one more


  • image.jpg
    68.3 KB · Views: 181
From that picture it is hard to tell if he is a male or not. The tail really needs to be straight out. From the other picture, I still say male. You cannot tell my colors at this age.

Last one sorry to keep bothering you I just wanted to see if you could see better with these pics


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    92.1 KB · Views: 150
No bother at all and glad to help out if I can. I still say you have a male. The first pic you can actually see a slight bulge.
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