Bradypodion thamnobates

the easiest way is indeed to look at the hemipenal bulge, and this is actually present when they are quite young. Further the casque of the males can be more developed.

Nice animals! And they look great after the trip.
Here are some old photo's of my male, maybe this helps to sex them...


Thank you for the pics and the information. I will get some pics of them after they have settled in a little bit. They looked like they were just finding a good spot to sleep when I had a chance last night so I let them be.
They will probably be a little "off" from the time zone change. Have fun trying to get pics too:p They are masters of hiding!!! I would look in some cages and start flipping because I couldnt find them and then all of a sudden, OH!!!!!! its right in front of my face LOL!!!!

Glad to hear they are adjusting well also. They really didnt seem too stressed from the plane ride across the Atlantic. I cant say how superb and healthy these guys are. We couldnt have asked for a better group to start out with:D
They will probably be a little "off" from the time zone change. Have fun trying to get pics too:p They are masters of hiding!!! I would look in some cages and start flipping because I couldnt find them and then all of a sudden, OH!!!!!! its right in front of my face LOL!!!!

Glad to hear they are adjusting well also. They really didnt seem too stressed from the plane ride across the Atlantic. I cant say how superb and healthy these guys are. We couldnt have asked for a better group to start out with:D

Yeah , I have spent 20 min looking for one only to find it sitting right in the open. :D They are really healthy. I would have never guessed they came from overseas.

When I got the package home I put them in the cage and watched them eat within a sec of putting some flies in.

Ha the time zone thing , I was thinking that. They must be all out of wack. :D
I think it's male.....

I think you do have a pair Ryan.....I'm looking at the lateral yellow color and the patterns.....They look male. Of my two males one has a prominent bulge and the other does not. But they both have similar patterning and coloration that is a bit different from the two girls. I think we can trust the breeders to know the sex. Just like we could look at a two week old panther and tell the sex. When you breed them you get familiar with sexing them.

I've got something fascinating going on at my place. I've got my 2.2 in a large screen cage next to a pair of Uthmoelleri. There is no partition in between. The Thamnobates could care less about the Uthmoelleri next door. They are eating, drinking and climbing around with no regard to their neighbors. But my male Uthmoelleri, Calypso, is fascinated with the Thamnobates. As soon as I put them in their cage he went to that side of the cage. He was positioned on a branch staring at them and following every move for over FOUR HOURS last night. The only thing that moved was his eyes as he followed every move. I was trying to figure out if he was interested in snacking on them or breeding with them. His female companion paid zero attention to them. Calypso is still watching them this morning. I think he thinks they are young female Uthmoelleri.

Thank you Jared and Benny for such healthy looking little treasures. They are so tiny. I can't believe they can fit as many crickets as they ate yesterday into their tiny stomachs. Royden is going to have to photograph mine. I can barely get a decent picture of my Uthmoelleri, let alone something this small. Can we get our own sub-forum under Bradypodium?
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Catherine, I am thinking I can see a bulge as well as the coloration. Time will tell and maybe some photos will confirm.

Like you I spent half the eve looking at them.:D On the one I can see what looks like a small bulge. Basically like you would see on a 2 month old panther. Barely there but you can see something at the right angles. I have not compared it to the other yet as she likes to hide or at least I have a hard time finding her sometimes. :D

I think you meant thanks Jared and Benny. :p:D They both did a great job getting them over here. All we had to do is sit back and wait. Thanks again guys!.

I hope Royden takes pics of them , he does such an awesome job.
I think you do have a pair Ryan.....I'm looking at the lateral yellow color and the patterns.....They look male. Of my two males one has a prominent bulge and the other does not. But they both have similar patterning and coloration that is a bit different from the two girls. I think we can trust the breeders to know the sex. Just like we could look at a two week old panther and tell the sex. When you breed them you get familiar with sexing them.

I've got something fascinating going on at my place. I've got my 2.2 in a large screen cage next to a pair of Uthmoelleri. There is no partition in between. The Thamnobates could care less about the Uthmoelleri next door. They are eating, drinking and climbing around with no regard to their neighbors. But my male Uthmoelleri, Calypso, is fascinated with the Thamnobates. As soon as I put them in their cage he went to that side of the cage. He was positioned on a branch staring at them and following every move for over FOUR HOURS last night. The only thing that moved was his eyes as he followed every move. I was trying to figure out if he was interested in snacking on them or breeding with them. His female companion paid zero attention to them. Calypso is still watching them this morning. I think he thinks they are young female Uthmoelleri.

Thank you Ryan and Benny for such healthy looking little treasures. They are so tiny. I can't believe they can fit as many crickets as they ate yesterday into their tiny stomachs. Royden is going to have to photograph mine. I can barely get a decent picture of my Uthmoelleri, let alone something this small. Can we get our own sub-forum under Bradypodium?

Is your uthmoelleri coloring up at all looking at the thamnobates? I'm tempted toward him wanting to breed but I'm not familiar with your male and how large he is or how inclined he is to go after larger prey items. Does he try to breed the female uthmoelleri much? Perhaps separating them for a while and then reintroducing her would stimulate interest in him, similar to his interest in the new thamnobates?

About the thamnobates sub-forum under Bradypodion, to be honest, I don't think it is necessary. At the moment there are 4 threads in this forum. One on the thamnobates in the US (there will be another as soon as mine arrive tomorrow), two on the transvaalense in the US and one of Bradypodion info. I don' think B. thamnobates are different enough from other Bradypodion (all the real different species are now in the genera Kinyonia and Nadzikambia) to need its own forum (not like how different melleri are from other Trioceros) and I don't think there is so much traffic on any Bradypodions to need to separate the forum. To be honest, I think any info on any Bradypodion species would help anyone working with them, regardless of species.

Is your uthmoelleri coloring up at all looking at the thamnobates? I'm tempted toward him wanting to breed but I'm not familiar with your male and how large he is or how inclined he is to go after larger prey items. Does he try to breed the female uthmoelleri much? Perhaps separating them for a while and then reintroducing her would stimulate interest in him, similar to his interest in the new thamnobates?

I think he does want to breed with them. I have multiple females. I keep them separate and then introduce them to him for breeding. After breeding the female he loses interest in them. After I see the female's coloration change to gravid colors I remove her and introduce another female. I'm constantly cycling them through his cage. The females go through egg production and a rest period in the separate cage I have for the females. He is living with a female he bred with recently and I'm just waiting to see if she changes her coloration before I remove her. They live together very nicely so I just let her stay there. She is not intimidated by him at all. I don't think the male wants to eat the Thamnobates. He won't eat crickets that big. I think he sees them as a bunch of new female supermodels that have moved in next door. I can almost see the drool dripping from his mouth this morning :p
They like Silkworms :)

Mine got some small silkworms today. They loved them. The smallest of my four grabbed a silkworm that was intended for a larger cagemate. It then got the one that was meant for it. It tried to get another one after that too. They all did the "hurky-jerky" dance on the way to snag their treats. One male did the "hurky-jerky" in mid air. His front legs were grasping branches. His tail was curled around a branch behind him. His back legs were suspended in mid air. It was funny to watch him do the "hurky-jerky" with back legs that were going nowhere. It was like he was cycling. The larger male showed a peachy yellow lateral stripe during the feeding. Fun stuff :p
These two have been going crazy over Hydei. I put some in the cage and they went nuts. covered the entire enclosure and snatched them all up. I didn't realize they were so small and had two 16x16x30 cages ready for them. They seem to use the entire cage. Its no problem seeing if they eat or not. :D that is an easy one.

House flies should be here tomorrow. I have a few cups made but they seem to be lagging. I am supposed to get some not so fresh pupae. So they should start hatching fairly quickly. Crickets have been consumed without hesitation , but they really went nuts for the Hydei.

I am going to get some small silkies and see how that goes. I can't wait to see them go after them. :D
These guys are so much fun to watch eat. I finally was able to offer some house flies and they went NUTS!!! :D

Not an inch of the 18x18x30 I have each of them in was safe for those flies. For being so small they cover ground really well.
Glad to hear you are enjoying them!!!!!:D They are quite the cool little characters:cool: I may have to see how they feel about dubia nymphs here later;)
Glad to hear you are enjoying them!!!!!:D They are quite the cool little characters:cool: I may have to see how they feel about dubia nymphs here later;)

I am repopulating my dubias or I would have tried them already. I really want anything but crickets. Its a pain in the @$$ to feed 10 day old crickets and for some reason the Cricket supplier I used this time thinks 2 wk crickets are what I normally get as 3wk. Bummer.

House flies are like $5 for 10,000 and really easy to gut load. Dusting not so easy but the price is right for me.
Like the others, I've noticed our B. transvaalenses love flies too. A few flies finally hatched and I haven't seen these guys get so excited as they did when they saw the flies. They literally ran for the little buggers.

Regarding Dubia, at first they preferred dubia nymphs over crickets but their interest has dwindled a bit and take crickets without too much complaining but they always look disappointed when those brown things moving around the bottom aren't flies. :p

Nice chams they look good after all transport.

Are you sure you have a male, do you have more pictures?

Exactly what I was thinking!

Ryan they are awsome, but I know males normaly have quite large hemipenil bulges, and his seems uhhh absent

Good luck with them anyway

Exactly what I was thinking!

Ryan they are awsome, but I know males normaly have quite large hemipenil bulges, and his seems uhhh absent

Good luck with them anyway


Thats why its so cool we have a group of keepers.

Things could be worse :D To be honest some days I think I can see the bulge some days I don't :eek:. When we know for sure we'll get it all figured out. I couldn't be more thrilled to work with them both girls or a pair.

Worse comes to worse I drive to PardalisGirls and we let the girls have a date!.. :D Thats if its OK with her. :eek: (only about a 24 hour drive).
You got any new pics of them maybe?

I'll grab some tonight. They are settled in and I think won't mind too much if I bother them. I have been working on another project getting cages built etc.

I am moving the new project into the cages tonight and will get some pics of the thamnos during the process.
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