Bradypodion thamnobates

I am repopulating my dubias or I would have tried them already. I really want anything but crickets. Its a pain in the @$$ to feed 10 day old crickets and for some reason the Cricket supplier I used this time thinks 2 wk crickets are what I normally get as 3wk. Bummer.

House flies are like $5 for 10,000 and really easy to gut load. Dusting not so easy but the price is right for me.

Ryan, where do you get fly pupae for that price? Thanks.
I'd like to know too Ryan. I want to get some. I bet my Uthies and Laterispinis would love them too.

I got mine at Great customer service!!!! I will be ordering from them again!! Im sure your others will love them. I am in the middle of feeding of some BB flies. The first one to get them was my CH tav male. IMO I gave him a few too many. Well they are all gone within a minute LOL!!! It honestly looked like his eyes got great big the first chomp he took:D
Ordered BB Fly Pupae :)

I just ordered 500 BB Pupae from the MantisPlace. Got some food and some hatching cup setup too. It looks like the BB Pupae have a week longer shelf life in the fridge before they won't hatch. Yummy for their tummies :p
My Bradypodion thamnobates



The female was pregnant but it has absorbed some embryo, you think that?



How did you import these in from South Africa? I thought it was nearly impossible to aquire permits.

Awesome thamnobates!

Since 1994 I've only seen South African Dwarf chameleons imported a handful of times. Wow!
I still go with my first comment, doesnt seem to be any sign of bulges at that size they would have very noticeable bulges.
Edit: the colour looks sort of male, but you do get females that will look very colourful.

And to mother load chameleon, I have studied alot of this exporting business with our south african chameleons.

It is illegal to keep them without permits, it is very hard to get permits aswell so it makes exporting even harder, but I have cracked it.
You need a permit for every single one of the chams, so if my female drops I can get CB permits for each of them, then maybe exporting permits, then I can make Ben happy (eisentrauti).

Once I have made him happy, I will let the U.S.A know whats coming ;)
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Ryan, looking at your animals and comparing with my pair I will say following:

1. They are similar size like my young pair.
2. The more colored is similar in coloration like my male, I mean those "pearl" like scales on bottom, by male they are greenish, by female darker.
3. My male has OBVIOUS bulges. It is not possible overlook them.
He have had them visible when was smaller as well
So I do not know, really. Coloration like male but no bulges ...
Females are way rarer anyway.

Chameleoneeds, if possible export other species like thamnobates. They are enough of the in Europe for sucessfull breeding.
But damaranum (just males, males offered here), setaroi, pumilum, dracomontanum, melanocephalum, karroicum etc etc. ...
Breed and export them, please. You will make many peoples happy.
Today I saw something unbelievable. My thamnobates pair is still outside (quite sunny in my part of Europe) and I am feeding to them sweeped insects.

I hope my female is pregnant (eating a lot and a bit more voluminous now) although I did not saw copulation hope exists.

Today I saw female biting with unbelievable force in empty snail shell (the most white in cage). Was not very sucesfull but some smaller dents on margin were.
Shell was so big that females head could fit inside without problem! I believe when the snail was living it has weight similar to female itself. I heard soung from 2 m distance and was going look what happens, I know it from my Chamaeleolis very well, but never thought that I can hear it from small chamaeleon cage!

I am wondering if females are not "managing calcium level" by themselves by eating something containing calcium.
Tomorrow I will give various calcium source on cage floor, I am very curious if it will be used.

Btw, it does not want eat snails because when I pressed some smalls and put it the she ate just one small piece of shell.
Ok, thamnobates female is or gravid or the most fat thamnobates in history.
I never observed any mating attempts but I hope they like privacy...
Because i never bred this species I have 2 question.

1. I have pair in in heavily planted Flexarium 38. They are always close to each other and never saw any problem, perfectly harmonising. Female has always "priority", by eating and if walk on same branch male step aside.
Do you separate them before birth? If not, will male not eat babies?
I plan separate them lately but I do not have free space where I have them, and I am afraid what will happen if birth will suprise me. I need leave in few for 2 weeks and will be not able make new cage until than, after my return there will be lot of work with animals

2. I have them in room where is 18 deg Celsius at the day and 12-14 at night.
There is small bulb 25W above every 2 Flexariums so in one corner they have about 23-25 but they are not using it. They are well eating and feeding at these temperatures. But I wonder if it is enough for pregnant female. My jacsonii females in same setup are warmig a lot close to the bulb but thamnobates female never. All animals are inside just about 10 days and are immedately at glass that is "transparent for UV"

Do you have experiences with it?
Damn!! I didnt see the pic of the female. Looks like she has grown quite a bit!! Hope the boy learns about the birds and the bees soon:rolleyes:
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