Bradypodion transvaalense (Wolkberg Dwarf Chameleon)

Chris Anderson

Dr. House of Chameleons
Hey everyone,

Well, I just got home with my new 2.2 group of Bradypodion transvaalense (Wolkberg or Transvaal Dwarf Chameleons) from AA Reptiles. I couldn't be happier with them. They look really good and both females appear very very gravid. Here are a few pics:

Male 1:
Tasting his new home for other chameleons:

All clear:

Male 2:


Female 1:


Female 2:


They've already started to settle in and adopt nicer coloration. Here's to hoping they do well and for a nice group of healthy babies soon!

Wow! your photos are MUCH better than the ones posted...dang, should have gone in on that deal...:rolleyes: Love the beard, it is almost feather like or fan like instead of spikey.
Congrats :)

Congratulations Chris! They could not have gone to a better home. I'm REALLY loving the spiky fringe under the chin. Very cool. I need to get on the waiting list for a pair too :p
Thanks everyone. I'm really pleased with them and really hope they do well. Hopefully I'll have lots of babies to start filling requests for as well! Its really interesting to me how different the gular and dorsal crests are between individuals, particularly between the two females. This species is known for being incredibly variable and even just with these four, it shows.

very nice chris!

Take first your time to gain good babies after that you can always give them to others.
Very nice chameleons!
They look in very good condition too.
I wish you the best with the gravid females and lett us hope that give good birth to many juveniles!
Very nice species indeed! Hopefully they give birth to some strong juveniles as you don't come across this species every day.

best regards
Thanks guys. All their coloration today is much nicer. One male in particular is looking awesome with nice orange coloration and black outlining. I'll try to get more pics as soon as I can.

Hopefully they are as gravid as I think they are. They could always just be very fat but I'm pretty sure they are gravid.

Still trying to capture the true beauty of these guys. Here is an updated pic of one of the males:


No babies yet but they're all doing well.

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