Bradypodion transvaalense

As Chris mentioned with the Transvaalense, it would also be nice to know who's expecting the Thamnobates for potential exchange and questions down the line.
Maybe start a seperate topic for that. And upcomming week I'll make some pictures and post some more information.
Congrats Chris. Sounds like you have some interesting stuff coming soon! :)

I already sent them an email this morning, hopefully they'll have some left. Would be interesting.

that's indeed good news. I hope you can establish a stable group. When that occurs I'd ofcourse also be interested in those baby's. But I think I didn't need to write that!
Is the ad for them still up? I don't see ad's for anything on kingsnake besides panthers / veileds
Well good luck to all that got them, I hope everything goes well and a CB group can be established soon. I'm also looking forward to a picture thread and maybe a post on how you are keeping them. I am always interested in how different species of chameleons are kept.
I am really interested in these guys. I have a few questions though.

Do all bradypodion give live birth?

They aren't described on Adcham, where exactly are they from? Do they require enclosures similar to montanes or are they a more brushy / shrubby like species?
I am really interested in these guys. I have a few questions though.

Do all bradypodion give live birth?

They aren't described on Adcham, where exactly are they from? Do they require enclosures similar to montanes or are they a more brushy / shrubby like species?

Yes, all Bradypodion species give live birth.

This species is from Swaziland and South Africa (Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces) Its a highly variable species considered to actually represent as many as 9 different species. The animals AA Reptiles is getting are supposedly from the Soutpansberg which is a montain range in Northern Limpopo Province that also represents one of the northern most locales of this species. It also is one of the prettier locales of the species.

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