Bradypodium Uthmoelleri Picture


Avid Member
I received my pair of Bradypodium Uthmoelleri on Tuesday. They are extremely cute. Tiny little ones and a bit shy. They do that jerky/hesitation walk that chams do when they are unsure about their surroundings. I've named the male Safi and the female Anisa. Both names are Tanzanian names. I've had a hard time taking pictures of them. They will be out walking around on the branches, plants and cage screen until I come up to the cage. When they see me come up to the cage they make a dash for the nearest plant foliage. I got one decent picture of the male:


I hope they will get used to me soon so I can take some good pictures. They are solid green with pretty spots/speckling and at other times they get a paler background with vivid spotting. I don't see them eating but they are pooping. A very interesting species. I will enjoy watching them grow :)
Bradypodium Uthmoelleri

I am having a better than expected week for sure! I got them from Nick at First Choice Reptiles. They are F1 and were farm raised in Tanzania. I see they are out cruising their cage again after my attempted photo shoot. They have cute little snouts. Longer and slimmer than a panther nose.
Are these juvenile or adults? how hard are they to raise? I found very little info other than a picture on adcham. They look like a really neat species. Plans for breeding? Good luck with them and post more pics when you can. David

Wow! He's tiny! They got shipped young this time eh. He looks good though! Nice and healthy. I hope the pair acclimates well for you.

Post more pics when they settle in. I know I prefer seeing species that are out of the ordinary.

Good luck!
He is Tiny!

Yeah Trace, he is tiny. Very cute though. They both seem happy in their cage as long as I don't get too close or open the cage door. I never asked about the age of them. I totally forgot about doing so when I bought them. They look extremely healthy though. I will post better pictures after they get used to me.

And David..... they are juvies. Not hatchlings, but not sub-adults either. There is very little information out there on them. Chris Anderson from this group has them too. If you Google the species you will come up with a bunch of great pictures he took of his. They are posted on some other cham forum site. I'm just going to raise them on the little info that I've obtained. Similar to Panthers but cooler (like under 80 degrees) and a little more humid. They live in high trees in the mountains. So I've got them in a tall cage and they do spend a lot of time on the top area. The diet is the same as Panthers. I am going to breed them. I'm hoping to get info from Chris Anderson after he breeds his :)

So precious! I am very jealous. Good luck with them! Can't wait to see what you make of them. Please keep us all updated on any new things you learn about their behaviour and captive care.

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