i have a veiled Chameleon about coming upto 10 months old.... he is arround about 6" in length on his body.
this morning i have found, hundreds upon hundreds of baby crickets littering the floor of his viv..... i have previously fed him multiple crickets at a time and provided food and water for both crickets and chamelon, also feed him regularly locusts aswell as said crickets.
would this pose a problem to my chameleon ? should i remove them straight away ?
thanks !
i have a veiled Chameleon about coming upto 10 months old.... he is arround about 6" in length on his body.
this morning i have found, hundreds upon hundreds of baby crickets littering the floor of his viv..... i have previously fed him multiple crickets at a time and provided food and water for both crickets and chamelon, also feed him regularly locusts aswell as said crickets.
would this pose a problem to my chameleon ? should i remove them straight away ?
thanks !