Breeding Jacksons - some questions!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Can any Jax breeders help answer a couple of questions please - Both my friend and myself would love to know if Jackson females retain sperm like other cham-ladys? Is so, is it likely that Mama Fudge will give birth to another clutch soon? How long are they pregnant for and how soon after giving birth do they start producing from retained sperm?

Also, I remember reading somewhere that the older a female Jackson is the larger her clutch. Does this sound right? I read it in one of my cham care books. If so, Mama Fudge must still be quite young (she was wild caught and has settled very well in captivity) as the clutch that she gave birth to back at the beginning of September consisted of 13 babies and two stillborns. Any insight to Jackson breeding would be brilliant! Thanks guys! :D
I've read that they can retain sperm and I've even heard that they can have more than one brood developing within them at once- Jump in and clarify this anytime Mr. Chris Anderson. They gestate anywhere from 5-9 months depending on temperatures and diet.
Heavens Tiff, i saw this and thought you were talking about Monty. i was going to tell you it would be a good while before you would need to think about it. lol
I will send a pm to a couple people who have some time in breeding Jacksons. I should be able to get an answer. i have no idea.
They can (and often do) retain sperm. The average time between litters in my experience is about 5 months but it can be quite a bit more. One good way to tell if your female is working on a new batch of babies is to introduce a male and see if she assumes nonreceptive coloration. With my females 99% of the time after a litter they almost immediately begin producing another and will maintain nonreceptive coloration (which means my poor male never gets any).
jackson chameleons breeding

hi everyone,
I have two female and one male jacksons that im trying to breed for a month now. I have one female that is intrested and going around my male but the male runs away a the other female doesnt give my male the time of day at all.
I have tried putting them in differnt cages and also netrual ground.
any suggestions and or advice
Hi and welcome to CF! You will probably get more help if you start a new thread with your questions. I don't know anything about breeding Jacksons, which is why I was asking the questions myself! Starting your won thread will get more attention from the people who are able to help.
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