Broken leg?!

Everything is perfect but you should take anything the chameleon can climb on out?

If it were me, I'd check around to see if this vet is actually recognized as having experience with chameleons.

Most vets are not, but there are--sadly--some vets who will say "oh, we handle all animals! They think that they can apply what they know from other species to chameleons but in fact, even among reptiles, chameleons are difficult.

You own those X-rays. Could you ask to have copies? or the originals. They are yours, you can demand them if you feel comfortable doing that.

However, now it's possible that they are digital files and it won't be a stress for them to make copies.

I think if you could do that and post the images here, you'd get a lot of valuable feedback. It would be a very valuable "second opinion" (and third and fourth and maybe more) but you wouldn't be charged for it.

There are people here who really define "chameleon expertise of the moment" (not me!). You could take advantage of some of the most knowledgeable people in the country if you posted that.
The vet I went to was Dr.Gorman at creature comforts. I've heard that she was a very good vet. I can see if I can have them send me the x-rays, though they look ok.
The vet I went to was Dr.Gorman at creature comforts. I've heard that she was a very good vet. I can see if I can have them send me the x-rays, though they look ok.

I go to Gorman...she is the best in Vegas, but not very good in my opinion. She has basic knowledge, but doesn't seem to have a whole lot of personal experience to draw from. In all the times I've been there she has never once been able to tell me anything I did not already know :( I doubt she will give you the x-ray, but if it is digital she might be able to make a copy. I would go up there and talk to her about removal of items in the enclosure, that makes absolutely no sense. Hopefully there was miscommunication in some way and she mis-spoke.
From a medical perspective, it sounds like common sense advice - you don't want him to strain his injuries further, like a person with a sprained ankle shouldn't be running around. But it is a little difficult given everything chameleons are... I think that if it's just a sprain of some sort, your cham should be sensible enough to not use that arm until it stops hurting. But juuuust in case it's not a sprain and something else, maybe you chould seek out a second opinion?
Would I need a second opinion? She showed me the x-rays and showed me every bone. There were no breaks at all.
I think regardless of what experience she has with chameleons, there isn't a doctor on Earth that can't recognize a broken bone (I would hope). But like others were saying, if there's the possibility of it being gout or whatnot, then that might merrit a second look? I don't even know how you look for that but probably blood work. But I don't know, I think if your husbandry is good then it's proabably just a strained ligament and it'll be good as new in a few days.
I think regardless of what experience she has with chameleons, there isn't a doctor on Earth that can't recognize a broken bone (I would hope). But like others were saying, if there's the possibility of it being gout or whatnot, then that might merrit a second look? I don't even know how you look for that but probably blood work. But I don't know, I think if your husbandry is good then it's proabably just a strained ligament and it'll be good as new in a few days.

He has been using it, she says the reason why he hasn't used it was because it was really sore. But today he has been using it a little more, he pulls himself up to get onto another branch.
I go to Gorman...she is the best in Vegas, but not very good in my opinion. She has basic knowledge, but doesn't seem to have a whole lot of personal experience to draw from. In all the times I've been there she has never once been able to tell me anything I did not already know :( I doubt she will give you the x-ray, but if it is digital she might be able to make a copy. I would go up there and talk to her about removal of items in the enclosure, that makes absolutely no sense. Hopefully there was miscommunication in some way and she mis-spoke.

Do you know of any other good vets in vegas?
If it were actually broken it's very unlikely he'd be using it at all yet. He could have grabbed on to something as he was falling and twisted it/sprained it enough to really bother him. I've seen mine fall clumsily occasionally and wondered how they didn't do the same. As far as taking things out of his cage it makes good sense to limit the chance of further injury especially without full use of the limb yet. I'd pad the bottom of the cage with a towel in case he falls and maybe rearrange the branches or add some bigger ones so it's easier for him to get around until he recovers.

Unfortunately there isn't much of an emphasis on many exotic species in vet schools. They're too uncommon, most people don't want to practice on exotics, and there are so many varieties that they teach things on a more general basis because you never know what you're going to see in practice. Personal experience is the best for this kind of thing and as you know not many people have chams. I'm hoping it will make me a better doctor for these guys later :)
He's gotton worst! His shoulder joint in that arm got swollen :( I'm taking him back to the vet on wednesday and this time I'm going to ask her to check to see if it's gout. Can anyone fill me in on what gout is and how would a vet would be able to find it and treat it? I'll post some updated pics.
He's gotton worst! His shoulder joint in that arm got swollen :( I'm taking him back to the vet on wednesday and this time I'm going to ask her to check to see if it's gout. Can anyone fill me in on what gout is and how would a vet would be able to find it and treat it? I'll post some updated pics.

Google "gout in chameleons" and you will learn more. Print it and take it with you so the vet can read it. Also look up "chameleon is swollen" and you will find more info to print and take with you.
The fact that the swelling is progressing on the same limb and not to other limbs yet makes me lean away from the suspicion of gout simply because gout is systemic and should be affecting other areas as well. Swollen joints can be caused by toe nail injury resulting in abscessation also. With true gout, multiple joints on multiple limbs will eventually become swollen. A blood panel will help diagnose. A high uric acid level, high Phos with regards to Ca point towads gout, and a high WBC more towards abscessation. Or if they aspirate joint fluid and do cytology they may even see gout crystals under polarized light.
Blood can be drawn from a ventral tail vein only by a vet that is comfortable with this technique. 0.4-0.6% of total BW is safe to draw.
I don't have personal experience with this particular problem, nor do I presume to know more than anyone else at this point...I'm just saying you still need to be open to other possibilities. And hopefully that can give your vet some guidance if she does decide to pursue diagnostics. Good luck!
Here are the updated pics. You can see how his elbow joint has gotton swollen, it's also looks a little black on that area kinda like a bruise.



I agree with ferretinmyshoes about not being gout, seems more like some issue is causing localized edema.

I was reading what he wrote too and I agree. From what I've been reading gout is in the majority of the legs. IF this is edema, I'm guessing the vet would give me some type of antiobiotic to treat it?? Would a blood sample need to be taken to find out if it is edema?

Also, I'm taking him in again on thursday since they are booked all tomorrow.
I was reading what he wrote too and I agree. From what I've been reading gout is in the majority of the legs. IF this is edema, I'm guessing the vet would give me some type of antiobiotic to treat it?? Would a blood sample need to be taken to find out if it is edema?

Also, I'm taking him in again on thursday since they are booked all tomorrow.

If it is an infection in the leg, then you'll get an antibiotic, if it is edema, you need to do more diagnostics to find out what is causing the fluid build-up (including bloodwork)
I'm on board for the tissue injury. It is possible that there may be some joint involvement as well depending on if he twisted or the distance he fell before he caught himself. Also depending on when the injury occurred, if you saw it early, it is gonna swell before it starts to get better. The body's reaction will be inflammation. It takes a long time to show their injuries and a long time to heal. He may favor the leg and have swelling for the better of a month. There is a possibility that it could become infected, so keep an eye on the leg. Like you said, you'll be back at the vet soon. Good luck.
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