Broken leg?!

Thank you for that explanation.

If it's true that the results are common to both mammals and reptiles then I'll chime in that Rimadyl really helped my old girl. Before Rimadyl she wouldn't even try to jump on or off the couch. We decided she shouldn't jump off, so made her the "put her on the floor" dog,but after Rimadyl she freely jumped up on to the couch. We started her on it when she was 14. She made it to 17. It's a good drug.
NSAIDs like Rimadyl are pretty universal, I use Metacam though.

The key to giving twice daily is to try to make the administration once every 12 hours, but you have to take into consideration that they need heat to metabolize the drugs efficiently and so it doesn't just sit in their system if they are cold, which doesn't happen to mammals. So from what I understand, you were prescribed Rimadyl once daily, Colchicine twice daily, and Baytril once daily? (you still didn't say if Baytril is once or twice daily, just the Rimadyl). If you are concerned about when to give it, I would call her, as well as the other vet for sure, but what I would do if I was prescribed those drugs at the frequency she prescribed for you would be: give the Rimadyl and Colchicine at 9 am (since lights come on at 8) and then the Colchicine and Baytril at 7:30 pm and turn the lights off at 9 -10pm. That is just what I would do, I am not sure what your lighting schedule is, so just work around it accordingly. The vets you consult may say something different, but I am just giving you some things to consider and saying what I would do in case you don't talk with them, but do whatever makes you the most comfortable. They may want you to give the Baytril, Colchicine, and Rimadyl in the morning and the colchicine at night (so that those three drugs have the heat of the day to metabolize), but I just have my own theories as to why I give the meds when I do. Hope that helps :)

Thank you so much for your explanation, it really helped. The baytril is once daily for 14 days. My lights go on at 5am and go off at 7pm. I can follow your schedule. Also I was wondering to make sure that they both are getting enough heat to metabolize this medicine, I can always take them outside for an hour or two(with lots of water) so they can absorb the medicine better. Sound good?
Thank you for that explanation.

If it's true that the results are common to both mammals and reptiles then I'll chime in that Rimadyl really helped my old girl. Before Rimadyl she wouldn't even try to jump on or off the couch. We decided she shouldn't jump off, so made her the "put her on the floor" dog,but after Rimadyl she freely jumped up on to the couch. We started her on it when she was 14. She made it to 17. It's a good drug.

That's good to hear your dog was cured :) I hope this helps my guys out!
Thank you so much for your explanation, it really helped. The baytril is once daily for 14 days. My lights go on at 5am and go off at 7pm. I can follow your schedule. Also I was wondering to make sure that they both are getting enough heat to metabolize this medicine, I can always take them outside for an hour or two(with lots of water) so they can absorb the medicine better. Sound good?

You must be an early riser! 5 am, I go to bed then, lol. That sounds great to take them outside, the natural sunlight and fresh air does wonders!
You must be an early riser! 5 am, I go to bed then, lol. That sounds great to take them outside, the natural sunlight and fresh air does wonders!

Lol well yea I've been trying to keep getting up so early so I won't be so tired when school starts again :eek: Thanks for all your help again!
This is an update on Neptune.
I had to take him back to the vet because he got worst and now has two more legs swollen. She got a blood sample from him and his uric acid level came back at 6.6 and she told me that wasn't really high at all and seems pretty good. What we did find out was that he had a poor calcium to phosphorus level. His phosphorus level is at 15.6. We are going to start with some liquid calcium and rimadyl. She'll get back to me on the dosage.

I was wondering, has anyone else had this problem with their cham? How has it effected your cham?
It never happened to me, and i haven't read anything similar in quite a long time Thompson! :S

However, i just wanted to tell you that i like the way you handled the situation, and you truely have done great, despite that lack of good results so far. Keep going man, it's worth it! :)

Thank you for the update. Hopefully next one will be a better one! :)
Thank you morpheon :) I'm trying my best to get this guy back to normal! I'm hoping for a good next update as well :D
So does anyone have any thoughts or anything to add? Any info will really will help me and my vet get Neptune back to health as soon as possible.
Thanks Jessica for that link. I'll go and read it :)

FFSTRescue, actually the vet never said anything about that. I'll give her a call and run that by her and see how she feels about itt. I'll let you know.
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