Broken ribs?


she has bumpes on her back where her ribs are are they broken? im pretty positive she does not have MBD so what now?
It looks like where her ribs were broke and healed over. What kind of supplements do you use? What kind of UVB light do you have for her? What's the black spot on her side? Please post a better picture of that black spot.
i use repti calcium daily, a uvb 5.0 on 16 hr a day, i use vitamins about once every 2 weeks, i have no idea what the black spot is, and okay
and she seems to be fine. I have not noticed anything sensitive about either things, and im pretty sure she has had those lumps from the day i got her from petco
Rib fractures, when multiple, usually align in a linear manner, like those in the pic, because the trauma is at the same location. So you are probably looking a callus formation of several healed or healing rib fractures. MBD could possibly do it, but not in just one location. I'm betting that she was mishandled at Petco, or before Petco got her.
okay well thats really sad. Will she be okay? i have only noticed the lumps but no different behavior.
i use repti calcium daily, a uvb 5.0 on 16 hr a day, i use vitamins about once every 2 weeks, i have no idea what the black spot is, and okay

She needs calcium without d3 just about daily and calcium with d3 twice a month unless she get allot of outside time and the multi Vit. twice a month.

I'm not sure about the black spot. I'd keep a close eye on it.
The black spot looks like a healing bite mark from a cricket.

Andee, where do you come up with this? You have absolutely no idea what a cricket bite would look like even if crickets did bite chameleons.

Crickets don't bite chameleons. If they did, I think breeders would have lost a lot of babies over the years. They have really tough skin. I can bend a syringe on their skin trying to give an injection. Have you ever tried to cut the skin of a chameleon during a necropsy? It is tough! If crickets could bite chameleons I'm sure a veterinary manual such as Mader's bible would have that in their chapter on injuries caused by prey but they don't. That chapter only deals with injuries caused by prey like rats and mice. Or, it would have been noted in the nutrition chapter of the same veterinary text when discussing the pros and cons of different prey items since they do mention the risks of feeding live rats and mice in that chapter.

Take a look a the close up of the skin. Just where is a cricket going to bite?

It doesn't matter that you've heard the same old wives tale many times and you can read countless stories on here that crickets ate a chameleons eyes out. Back in the 1600s, everyone knew without a doubt the earth was round. It still didn't make it true. The internet is a powerful tool for spreading knowledge. It can spread false information just as easily.

You have no idea what that spot is. Maybe it's dirt.
she has bumpes on her back where her ribs are are they broken? im pretty positive she does not have MBD so what now?

You can't be positive she doesn't have MBD. I don't like the shape of her skeleton, casque and foreface but I am not a vet. Maybe a vet visit with a good reptile vet is in order. They could look at the skin as well.

Ribs of a healthy chameleon don't break, they bend.

Is that what her eyes look like normally or is she just pulling them in because she is upset with you taking the pictures.
Crickets do eat on chameleons. I have seen pictures on here before where crickets have eat large holes in chameleons and even eat out their eyes and part of there face. Here an article by Nick from Canvas Chameleons.
Not pictures, but I have seen injuries from crickets biting. It was not from the same exact type of feeders that we are getting now, but the injuries were severe. This was a basilisk that the bites were on.
One of my first reptiles had almost no toes because they left to many crickets in with him in the pet store...
I bought him because I couldn't leave him there and be eaten by crickets more.
I have seen severe damage left by crickets on bearded dragons and chameleons. Usually with bearded dragons because people are even less knowledgeable about them crickets are left in their cages for days with nothing to eat. And there have been cases where the crickets have eaten the flesh so much that it exposed the skeleton.
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Also there is too much that individual people have experienced to constantly refer to one book over and over again. Now I have never read this book so I am not sure about how it is put together or how it collects what is important to put in or not. But one book is not the end all and be all, especially in reptile care, especially in chameleon care.
Also there is too much that individual people have experienced to constantly refer to one book over and over again. Now I have never read this book so I am not sure about how it is put together or how it collects what is important to put in or not. But one book is not the end all and be all, especially in reptile care, especially in chameleon care.

My vet will tell you that in a skinny minute and he's the one that wrote the book. He now does many thinks different himself than it says in the books.
We are learning things about reptile care every day that we knew nothing about, especially chameleon care.
I have seen severe damage left by crickets on bearded dragons and chameleons. Usually with bearded dragons because people are even less knowledgeable about them crickets are left in their cages for days with nothing to eat. And there have been cases where the crickets have eaten the flesh so much that it exposed the skeleton.
I have personally seen bearded dragons with severe cricket bite . I have had bearded dragons my whole life , i've had many rescues . Crickets absolutely can do damage !!.
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