Broken ribs?

Also there is too much that individual people have experienced to constantly refer to one book over and over again. Now I have never read this book so I am not sure about how it is put together or how it collects what is important to put in or not. But one book is not the end all and be all, especially in reptile care, especially in chameleon care.

It is a veterinary text book, the one most reptile vets have and use, edited by one of the foremost reptile vets in the country. I quote from it because it is based on research and science, not speculation and conjecture by lay people--myself included--with no veterinary training and experience with a handful of chameleons at most.
You can't be positive she doesn't have MBD. I don't like the shape of her skeleton, casque and foreface but I am not a vet. Maybe a vet visit with a good reptile vet is in order. They could look at the skin as well.

Ribs of a healthy chameleon don't break, they bend.

Is that what her eyes look like normally or is she just pulling them in because she is upset with you taking the pictures.

she pulled them in for the picture. her eyes are normal. her casque and all look fine to me.. i dont have money for a vet
If you don't have money for a vet you honestly shouldn't have any sort of pet except maybe inexpensive fish. People even take expensive salt water fish to vets these days. However my point is the only creatures I can think of who wont ever need some sort of veterinary care because they honestly don't have vets that know anything about them or can help them in emergencies because usually it's too late by then, is hermit crabs, arachnids and insects. Though I am sure there are some other strange animals. Reptiles, small mammals, large mammals, birds etc. should all have the ability to go to the vet if they need it, even if they never need it. What people need to realize is they need to have a base emergency fund for animals, depending on the animal it should include enough cost for simple meds like painkillers and antibiotics, etc. and a initial check up cost. So depending on your vet (like if it was my vet), I have a base emergency fund for each of my animals of 300 dollars. Then we add to it each one 25 dollars a pay check. Which since I have so many animals equals about 150-200 dollars for permanent residents. My rescues never get taken in unless I have it within my funds to take care of them properly. They start out with the same base as everyone else, but usually I add an extra 150 dollars of immediate funds if needed.
Rib fractures, when multiple, usually align in a linear manner, like those in the pic, because the trauma is at the same location. So you are probably looking a callus formation of several healed or healing rib fractures. MBD could possibly do it, but not in just one location. I'm betting that she was mishandled at Petco, or before Petco got her.
I agree, and the black spot looks like a burn or a bite that is healing. She should be checked by a vet.
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